List of Publications
Publications, Conference Papers,
Technical Reports
Design and Control of
an Autonomous Spider-Like Robot for Motion in 2D Tunnels Environments,
Technion, Israel, September 2003. (PDF
file) Advisor:
Professor Elon Rimon
Design and Control of a Planar
Spider Robot, Technion,
Israel, October 1999.
Journal Publications
E. Rimon, S. Shoval and
A. Shapiro, “Design of a Quadruped Robot for Motion with Quasistatic
Force Constraints”, Journal of Autonomous Robots, Volume 10 May
2001, pp. 279-296.
(PDF file)
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, S. Shoval,
“Immobilization Based Control of Spider Robots in Tunnels Environment”,
The International Journal of Robotics Research, Volume 20 Number 3 March
2001, pp.209-227.(PDF
A. Shapiro,
"The Future is Here – Making Walking Machines: Planar Spider Robot",
Machines & Industry Magazine published by Medium - Proffesional
Magazines Network, Volume 92, May 2004, pp. 39-41,88. (Hebrew
PDF file)
A. Shapiro,
"Stability of second-Order Asymmetric Linear Systems With Application
to Robot Grasping",
Journal of Applied Mechanics, Volume 72 (6),November 2005, pp. 966-968. (PDF
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, S. Shoval,
Foothold Selection Algorithm for Spider Robot Locomotion in 2D Tunnels”,
International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 24 (10) , November 2005
pp. 823-844. (PDF
Conference Papers
A. Shapiro, A.
Greenfield, H. Choset, "
Frictional Compliance Model
Development and Experiments for Snake Robot Climbing",
IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation, April 2007,
Rome Italy.(PDF
S. Sarid, A.
Shapiro, Y. Gabriely, "
MRBUG: A Competitive Multi Robot
Path Finding Algorithm",
IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation, April 2007,
Rome Italy.(PDF file)
S. Sarid, A. Shapiro,
and Y. Gabriely, "Online Motion Planning Algorithm for a Group of
Robots Obtaining a Common Goal" Israeli Conference of Robotics (ICR),
June 2006, Tel Aviv, Israel.
S. Shoval, A. Shapiro,
A. Novak, S. Papo, "3D Spider Robot for Motion in Congested
Environments" Israeli Conference of Robotics (ICR), June 2006,
Tel Aviv, Israel.
Sarid, A. Shapiro, Y. Gabriely, "MRSAM: A Quadratically
Competitive Multi-Robot Online Navigation Algorithm", IEEE
International Conference on Robotics & Automation, May 2006,
Orlando, FL, USA. (PDF file)
A. Shapiro and S. Shoval,
“Design and Locomotion of Semi-Passive
Mobile Platform”, The 5th International
Conference on Field and Service Robotics, July 29-31 2005, Port
Douglas Australia. (PDF file)
A. Shapiro,
I. Mhpoda and H. Zuk, “A Snail
Inspired Wall Climbing Robot for Counter Terrorism Duty”,
The 30th Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering,
May 29-30 2005, Tel-Aviv Israel.
S. Shoval and
A. Shapiro, “A Semi-Passive
Mobile Platform
for Motion on Slippery Surfaces”,
The 30th
Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, May 29-30 2005, Tel-Aviv
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, J. W. Burdick, “On the Mechanics of Natural Compliance in
Frictional Contacts and its Effect on Grasp Stiffness and Stability”,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation, April 2004, New
Orleans, LA, USA. (PDF
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, S. Shoval, "Motion
Planning for a Planar 3-Legged Robot in Tunnel Environments",
The 13th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference,
March 2004.
A. Shapiro,
S. Shoval, M. Zacksenhouse, Y. Halevi, and students, "Design and
Development of a Mobile Robot for the
RoboCup Games", The 29th
Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, May 2003.
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, S. Shoval, "Computation and Experiments of Passive Force Closure in Compliant-Rigid
Grasps", The 29th Israel Conf. on Mech. Eng., May 2003.
A. Shapiro
and E. Rimon, “PCG: A
Foothold Selection Algorithm for Spider Robot Locomotion in 2D Tunnels”,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation, September 2003,
Taipei, Taiwan. (PDF
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, J. W. Burdick, “Passive Force Closure and its Computation
in Compliant-Rigid Grasps”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, November 2001 Maui, Hawaii, USA.(PDF
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, S. Shoval, “Immobilization Based Control of Spider Robots in Tunnel Environments”,
The IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation, May 2001,
Seoul Korea
(PDF file).
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, S. Shoval, “Design of a Spider Robot for Motion with Quasistatic Force Constraints”,
The 28th Israel Conf. on Mech. Eng., July 2000 .
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, S. Shoval, “Immobilization Based Control of Spider Robots in Tunnels Environment”,
The 21st IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers in Israel, May 2000.
E. Rimon, S.
Shoval, A. Shapiro, “Design of a Spider Robot Based on Second-Order
Immobilization Theory”, The 9th International Symposium
on Robotics Research, pp15-22, J. Hollerbach and D. Koditschek Editors,
Springer Verlag, 1999.
S. Shoval, E.
Rimon, A. Shapiro, “Design of a Spider-Like Robot for Motion with
Quasistatic Force Constraints”, The IEEE International Conference on
Robotics & Automation, May 1999, Detroit USA .
Technical Reports
Sarid, A. Shapiro, Y. Gabriely, "MRSAM: A Quadratically
Competitive Multi-Robot Online Navigation Algorithm", Dept. of
Mechanical Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, April
2006. (PDF file)
A. Shapiro,
E. Rimon, S. Shoval, “On the passive force closure set of planar
grasps and fixtures”, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Ben Gurion University of the Negev,
December 2008 . (Technical
Report PDF file)
A. Shapiro,
S. Shoval, “Design and Motion Planning of a Semi-Passive
Mobile Platform for Locomotion on Slippery Surfaces”, in
Special Presentations
A. Shapiro, "Design
and Control of an Autonomous Spider-Like Robot for Motion in 2D Tunnel
Environments", November 15th 2005, invited CFR seminar at
the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA ,
A. Shapiro, "Motion
Planning, Control, and special Structures of Mobile Robots", October
29th 2004, An invited lecture to high school students in the
opening ceremony of the special university program to promote
accessibility of students to higher education.
A. Shapiro, "Planar
Spider Robots – A Step Towards Walking Machines", March 10th
2004, Ph.D. Thesis selected by the dean of graduate students at the
Technion for presentation in a special series of lectures by outstanding
graduate students.
A. Shapiro, "Design
and Control of an Autonomous Spider-Like Robot for Motion in 2D Tunnel
Environments", December 18th 2003, A presentation to
foreign military attaches at their visit in the Technion.
A. Shapiro, "Design
and Control of an Autonomous Spider-Like Robot for Motion in 2D Tunnel
Environments", June 11th 2003, invited seminar at the
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev.