Courses at BGU


473.1.2321 - Neurophysiology (2nd year, Physiotherapy)

471.8.2027 - Neurophysiology (2nd year, Medicine)

205.1.7911 - Neurophysiology of sensory-motor systems (3rd year Biology)

191.1.0014 - Systems neurophysiology (3rd year Brain and Cognitive Sciences)

470.1.3616 - Human physiology (participate, 3rd year BME)

477.1.0081 - General physiology (participate, 2nd years Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory)

197.1.0054 - The Brain - 120 years of research (general audience).


470.2.9293 - The neurobiology of functional systems. 

Teaching links

ERIN - Educational resources from the Society for Neuroscience

Leture - A Walk-through of the Mammalian Visual System.
Clay Reid from the Allen Institute for Brain Sciences gives a tour of the mammalian visual system highlighting the Nobel-prize winning discoveries of Hubel & Wiesel. This is the first lecture of a 12-part series entitled Coding & Vision 101, produced by the Allen Institute for Brain Science as an educational resource for the community.

Brown's 193E - Great Controversies in Neurobiology. (A great course by Carlos Aizenman)

Pyramidal neuron in the neocortex,
by Santiago Ramon y Cajal.