- Reyes-Puerta,V.*, Amitai, Y.*, Sun, J-.J., Shani, I., Luhmann, H.J., Shamir, M., (2015) Long-Range Intra-Laminar Noise Correlations in the Barrel Cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 113(9):3410-20. (* - equal contribution)
- Amitai, Y. and Connors, B.W. (2013) Too much of a good thing may not be wonderful: GluR1 phosphorylation and the consequences of early-life seizures. Epilepsy Curr. 13 (3) 124-126.
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- Shlosberg, D., Buskila, Y., Abu-Ghanem, Y., Amitai, Y. (2012) Spatiotemporal alterations of cortical network activity by selective loss of NOS-expressing interneurons . Frontiers in Neuronal Circuits, 6:3.
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- Shlosberg, D., Amitai, Y. and Azouz, R (2006) Time-dependent, layer-specific modulation of sensory responses mediated by neocortical layer 1. J. Neurophysiol. 96: 3170-3182.
A complete list and citations here.