2011 Kreitman Foundation Post-Doctorate, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
2008–2011 PhD, Department of Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Thesis: ‘Imagined Hasidism: Satire, Reality and the Concept of the Book in the
Anti- Hasidic Writings of Joseph Perl (With an Annotated Critical Edition of
Sefer Megale Temirin) Approved with highest honors (Summa cum Laude).
Supervisor: Professor Israel Bartal.
2004–2007 Master, Department of Jewish History, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel. Approved with highest honors
August 2015– present Full Professor (with tenure)
Department of Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Previous Position
October 2011–2015 Associate Professor (first appointment)
Department of Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University
Fellowships & Research
Grants (selection)
2013-2017 Grant - Israeli Science Foundation (ISF): A Critical Edition of Sefer
Shivhei ha-Besht
2015 Visiting Scholar (December 2015), Faculty of Letters, Department of
Religious Studies, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2015 Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel. Research Group: Galicia: Literary and Historical Approaches
to the Construction of a Jewish Place
2012–2015 Alon Fellowship, Israeli Academy of Sciences, Israel
2014 Grant - German Israeli Foundation for Science (GIF Young). Project: 'The
Jewish Enlightenment and Mesmerism'
2014 Visiting Scholar (October 2014), Faculty of Letters, Department of
Religious Studies, The University of Tokyo, Japan–
2013 Grant - Israeli Science Foundation (ISF): Publication of a book
2010–2011 Kreitman Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Ben-Gurion University of
the Negev, Advisor: Prof. Boaz Huss
2009 Natalie and Mendel Racolin Memorial Fellowship, YIVO Institute for Jewish
Research, New York
2008–2010 Canadian Fellowship for Doctorate students, The Mandel Institute of
Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2006–2007 Research Fellowship, Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and
East European Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prizes and Awards
2011 Bernard M. Bloomfield Memorial Prize for outstanding Doctorate, Hebrew
university of Jerusalem
2008 Max Gruenwald Scholarship, Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem
2008 The Olga and William Lakritz Prize of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of
2007 Lilian Mendoza Prize, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, and the
Department of Jewish History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2007 Bernard and Frieda Cherick Award, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2007 Itshak Averbach Prize, Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, and the
Department of Jewish History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2005 Avraham Kahane Prize, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2005 Prof. Moshe Schor Prize, The Center for Research on the History and Culture
of Polish Jews, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Supervision of Graduate
Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
2012–2016 Two Postdoctoral students, six PhD students, and nine MA students
Department of Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Organisation of Scientific
2016 Member, the Organizing Committee, New Studies in Bratslav Hasidism,
International Conference, Van Leer Institute, Israel
2016 Member, the Organizing Committee, Israeli Network for the Academic Study of
Western Esotericism (INASWE), International Research Workshop, Haifa University,
2014 Member, the Organizing Committee, Making History Jewish: The Dialectics of
Jewish History in the Eastern Europe and in the Land of Israel, International
Conference in Honor of Prof. Israel Bartal, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
2013 Member, the Organizing Committee, Theosophical Appropriations: Kabbalah,
Western Esotericism and the Transformation of Traditions, International Research
Workshop, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Commissions of Trust
2016 Scientific Advisory Board, The Azrieli Fellows Program, Social Sciences &
Humanities, Tel Aviv, Israel
2015 Member of the Yad Ben Zvi Institute book prize committee, Jerusalem, Israel
2013–2015 Scientific Advisory Board, Studies on Galicia and Bukovina Jewry, the
Hertzl Institute, University of Haifa, Israel
2012–present Editorial Board, Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical
Texts, Los Angeles
