Hillel Zietlin’s Project of Translating and Explaining the Zohar’,
New Studies in Zohar, Conference at Tel Aviv University, December 29,
‘Naftulei Sod: Hillel Zeitlin and R. Judah Ashlag’, Ashlag Conference
at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, December 26, 2004
‘Hillel Zeitlin: Hasidism, Neo-Romanticism and New Hasidism in
Warsaw', Hasidism in Poland: New Perspectives, International Colloquium,
Wrocław University, 23 August 2004
‘Moses - The Messiah in the Consciousness of R. Nahman of Bretslav
and His Followers’, Moses the Man, and the Prophet, Conference of Jewish
Thought, 2005, Bar Ilan University, March 8, 2005
‘The Vision of the Workers of the Land: Satire and Utopia in the
Works of Joseph Perl’, 200 Years of Agricultural Settlement in the
Jewish World, Conference, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 20, 2005
‘Midrash Shemot in Sefer Bohen Zaddik of Joseph Perl’, The 14th
International Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, August 2, 2005
‘The Influence of Megale Temirin: Imagination, Imitation and
Reality’, Haskalah in Transition: Time, Place and People in the Jewish
Enlightenment, International Colloquium, Wrocław University, 9 May 2006
‘The Polemics of Amulets and the Boundaries of the Kabbalah’,
Department Seminar, Department of Jewish History, Ben Gurion University
of the Negev, December 11, 2006
‘Michael Levi Rodkinson: Between Haskalah and Hasidism’, Department
Seminar, Department of Jewish History, Ben Gurion University of the
Negev, March 26, 2007
‘Tzvi la-Zaddik: Joseph Perl, R. Tzvi Hirsh of Zidichov and the
Polemic of Gematria’, Religious Authority: Conflicts of Cultural Power
in Jewish Thought, Conference, The Goldstein-Goren International Center
for Jewish Thought, Ben Gurion University, May 30, 2007
'The Imagined Decline of Kabbalah: Gershom Scholem, the Kabbalistic
Yeshivah Sha'ar ha-Shamayim, and Kabbalah in Jerusalem', Kabbalah and
Modernity, International Conference, University of Amsterdam, Centre for
the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, 4 July 2007
‘The Revealed which Conceals: R. Shalom Sharabi’s Kabbalah,
Esotericism and the Printing of Kabbalistic Books”, Kabbalah and
Contemporary Spiritual Revival: Historical, Sociological and Cultural
Perspectives, International Workshop, The Israel Science Foundation and
The Goren-Goldstein Center for Jewish Thought, Ben Gurion University,
May 21, 2008
‘On the Kabbalistic Yeshivot in Jerusalem’, International Research
Group on the Sociology of Contemporary Jewish Mysticism, The Institute
of Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 23,
‘Ben Isch Chai and the Kabbalah in Jerusalem’, Ben Isch Chai
Conference, Dahan Center, Bar Ilan University, March 16, 2009
‘Apocalypse and Kabbalah: The "Followers" of Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag ’,
The First Israeli Conference for the Study of Contemporary
Spiritualities, The University of Haifa, March 23, 2009
’New Readings in Joseph Perl’s Sefer Megale Temirin’, The 15th
International Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, August 3, 2009
‘The Stoliner Genizah’, The 15th International Congress of Jewish
Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August 5, 2009
‘The Imaginary Influence of Sefer Megale Temirin’, Natalie and
Mendel Racolin Memorial Lecture, Max Weinreich Center, YIVO Institute
for Jewish Research, New York, 8 December, 2009
‘Joseph Perl, Rabbi Nathan of Nemirov, and the “Holy Books”’, The
Library of the Haskalah: The Modern Jewish Book Market, Research
Workshop of the Israeli Foundation, Tel Aviv University, October 5, 2010
‘Three Hasidic Reactions to Romantic literature’, Evening in the
Honor of the Book A Beloved-Despised Tradition: Modern Jewish Identity
and Neo Hasidic Writing at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century by Nicham Ross, Ben Gurion University, December 6, 2010
‘New Readings in Joseph Perl’s Anti Hasidic Writings’, Scholion,
Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish Studies, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, January 2, 2011
‘From Vilnius to Jerusalem: Shmuel Werses and the Research of Jewish
Literature’, The Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, March 23, 2011
‘Bratslav Hasidim in Jerusalem: S.Z. Schoken, A.M. Haberman and
Shmuel Hurwitz’, The Jewish Thought Departments Annual Meeting, Ben
Gurion University, March 28, 2011
‘The Esoteric Doctrine of Bratslav Hasidism’, Department Seminar,
Department of Jewish Thought, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, April
27, 2011
‘Marketing Demons: Joseph Perl, Israel Baal Shem Tov and the History
of one Amulet’, Haskalah and Religion, International Conference, Goethe
Universität, Frankfurt am Main, July 2, 2011
Response: ‘Notes on the Kabbalah in Jerusalem’, Evening in the Honor
of the Book Rehovot ha-Nahar: Kabbalah and Exotericism in Jerusalem
(1896-1948), by Jonatan Meir, Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem,
February, 8, 2012
‘The Last Bretslaver: The Prayers of Eliezer Berland’, New Age and
Politics, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem, February 24, 2012
‘Kabbalah literature in the Kinus Project’, Evening in the Honor of
the Book History of Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism, volumes 1-7, by
Joseph Dan, Merkaz Zalman Shazar, Jerusalem, February 27, 2012
‘Gershom Scholem and the Kabbalah in Jerusalem’, Inside Jerusalem:
30 years after Gershom Scholem, The National Library of Israel,
Jerusalem, March 13, 2012
‘Jacob Frank: A Short History of an Charlatan’, Evening in the Honor
of the Book he Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement
1755-1816, by Pawel Maciejko, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute,
Jerusalem, March 22, 2012
‘’Forbidden Maskilic Books’: Maskilim, Printers and Censors in
Vienna 1815’, The History of the Jewish Book, Ben Gurion University of
the Negev, May 29, 2012
‘The Emergence of Radical thought in Bratslav Hasidism 1900-1942’,
The Jewish Thought Departments Annual Meeting, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, June 6, 2012
33. Response: ‘Modern Kabbalah and Messsianism’, Evening in the Honor of
the Book Rehovot ha-Nahar: Kabbalah and Exotericism in Jerusalem
(1896-1948), by Jonatan Meir, Ben Gurion University, June 12, 2012
‘Jacob Frank: Jewish Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Heresy’, Faith
and Heresy: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, The Department of
Jewish History / The School of History, University of Haifa, June 14,
‘R. Simon Zvi Horowitz and the Lost Tribes’, Lithuanic Kabbalah,
Conference, Musayof Center, Bar Ilan University, June 19, 2012
Response: ‘New Trends in Modern Kabbalah’, The Van Leer Jerusalem
Institute, Jerusalem, July 9, 2012
Chair: ‘Moshe Idel And the Research of Kabbalah’, The Van Leer
Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem, July 11, 2012
‘Die Lezten Kabbalisten in Deutschland: Gershom Scholem und die
Wechsler Familie’, Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit: Gershom
Gerhard Scholem und seine ambivalente Beziehung zu Deutschland,
International Conference, Tubingen Universität, Tubingen, September 20,
‘Christianity, Enlightenment and Kabbalah: The Image of Habad among
Maskikim’, Habad Hasidism: History, Theology and Image: International
Conference, The Hebrew University , Jerusalem, January 8, 2013
‘Haskalah and Esotericism in Galicia: The Strange Case of Alyakim
Hamilzahgi’, The Study and Appropriation of Kabbalah in Modern Period,
International Research Workshop, Ben Gurion University, February 11,
Response: ‘The Image of Michael Levi Rodkinson’, Evening in the
Honor of the Book Maskilic Praises: Michael Levi Rodkinsom and Hasidism,
by Jonatan Meir, Ben Gurion University, March 19, 2013
'The Politics of Printing Sefer Likutei Tefilot', Jewish Prayer: New
Perspectives, International Conference, Ben Gurion University, May 22,
'The Kabbalah in Jerusalem Today', Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi Institute,
Jerusalem, May 26, 2013
'Forbidden Books: The Image of Censorship and Book Burnings in the
Jewish Literature of the nineteenth century', Censorship and Culture, 36
Annual Conference of History, Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History,
Jerusalem, May 28,2013
'The Kabbalah of R. Shalom Sharabi in Jerusalem', Models of
Leadership and Identity, Eliashar Conference, Ben Gurion University,
June 3, 2013
Chair: Evening in the Honor of the Book A Pearl Hidden in the Sand: I.L. Peretz and Hasidic Tales by Nicham Ross, Ben Gurion University,
June 3, 2013
'Haskalah and Hasidism: New Perspectives', Evening in the Honor of
the Book To Redeem a People: Jewish Nationalism and Enlightenment in
Eastern Europe (Carmel 2013) by Israel Bartal, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, June 4, 2013
‘The Origins of Hevrat Mekize Nirdamim in Eastern Europe’, Hevrat
Mekize Nirdamim: 150 years, The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem,
June 6, 2013
'The Jewish Enlightenment and Mesmerism', The Sixteenth World
Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
September 30, 2013
'Notes on the Hasidic Hagiographic Literature' The Sixteenth World
Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
September 30, 2013
Chair: 'From East to West: Jewish Modernity and the Secularization
Thesis', The Sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, September 30, 2013
'The Lost Tribes: Kabbalah, Nationalism and Romanticism at the
beginning of the 20th Century', Sambatyon: The Mythical Border in Time
and Space, International Conference, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
and Ben-Zvi Institute, August 6, 2013
'Appropriating Authenticity: The Haskalah in Eastern Europe and the
Research of Kabbalistic Literature', The Roads Not Taken: Scholarly
Adaptations and Appropriations of Kabbalah in the 19th and Early 20th
Century, International Conference, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt,
November 18, 2013
Chair: 'Theosophy and Judaism: Connections and Interpretations',
Theosophical Appropriations: Kabbalah, Western Esotericism and the
Transformation of Traditions, International Research Workshop, Ben
Gurion University, December 17, 2013
'Haskalah and Kabbalah in Galicia: The Unpublished Manuscripts of
Alyakim Hamilzahgi’, Revealers of Secrets: 200 Hundred Years to the
Haskalah in Galicia, International Conference, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, December 23, 2013
'Satire, Hagiographic Literature and History: The Case of Sefer
Megale Temirin', Department Seminar, Department of Hebrew Literature,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, February 18, 2014
'On the Use and Abuse of Satire for History: Sefer Megale Temirin
and Hasidism', Department Seminar, Department of Jewish Thought, Bar
Ilan University, February 24, 2014
'The Politics of Visions: Justinus Kerner, Hasidism and the Jewish
Enlightenment', 4th INASWE (Israeli Network for the Academic Study of
Western Esotericism) Annual Conference, Tel Aviv University, March 25,
Response: 'Notes on the Ideologies of Critical Editions', Evening in
the Honor of the Books Imagined Hasidism / Sefer Megale Temirin, by
Jonatan Meir, Ben Gurion University, March 26, 2014
'Hasidic Hagiographical Literature, Haskalah Literature and The
Modern Hebrew Novel', Conference in honor of Haim Beer, Ben Gurion
University, April 2, 2014
'How to Read Sefer Megale Temirin', Masterpieces of World
Literature, Department of Hebrew Literature, Ben Gurion University,
April 22, 2014
'The Case of Sabbatianism in the Book Shivhei ha-Besht (In Praise of
the Baal Shem Tov)', Conference in honor of Ze'ev Gries, Ben Gurion
University, April 30, 2014
'The Emergence of Criticism and Kinus Projects in the Haskalah
Literature', The Concept of Criticism in Hebrew Literature, Conference,
Ben Gurion University, May 13, 2014
'Selma die jüdische Seherin: Judaism, Christianity and Mesmerism',
Controversies, Conversion and Dialogue: Jews and Christians in Time and
Place, International Conference in Honour of Elchanan Reiner, Kraków
University, June 23, 2014
'Gershom Scholem and the Kabbalah in the 20th Century', Guest
Lecture, Department of Religious Studies, The University of Tokyo,
October 9, 2014
'Haskalah, Hasidism and the Beginnings of Modern Jewish Literature',
Special Seminar, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies,
Kyoto University, October 11-18, 2014
'East European Haskalah and Esotericism', IZEA - Aufklärung,
Religion, Wissen, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, December
15, 2014
'Hasidic Hagiography and Satire: The Case of Dos Sterntichl by
Israel Aksenfeld', Making History Jewish: The Dialectics of Jewish
History in the Eastern Europe and in the Land of Israel, International
Conference in Honour of Israel Bartal, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, December 29, 2014
'Brenner, Berdyczewski and the Image of Hasidism', I-Core Meeting in
Honor of the Book - A Jewish Letter at the Pushkin's Library, by Rafi
Tsirkin-Sadan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, January 5, 2015
'Sabbatianism and Hasidism: Readings in Shivhei ha-BeSHT', Workshop,
Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg, February 26, 2015
‘Israel Baal Shem Tov in Galicia: Legends, Imagination and Satire’,
Hasidism in Galicia, Workshop, The Galicia and Bukovina Jewry Project,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 12, 2015
'Peretz Smolenskin, Hasidism and the Decline of Haskalah', The Rise
of Nationalism and the Nineteenth-Century Jewish Literary Imagination,
Conference, Yale University, April 12, 2015
'Satire and History', Haskalah and Hasidism, Beit Bialik, Tel Aviv,
April 30, 2015
'Hasidism of the Future: Hillel Zeitlin, Martin Buber and East
European Hasidism', The 7th Israeli Conference for the Study of
Contemporary Religion and Spirituality, Tel Aviv University, May 3, 2015
'"Hasidic Language" and the Emergence of Modern Hebrew Literature',
Emergence of Modern Hebrew, Research group, Seminar, The Scholion
Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 28, 2015
'Kabbalah and Antisemitism: The Strange Career of Aron Brimann (Dr.
Justus)', 5th INASWE (Israeli Network for the Academic Study of Western
Esotericism) Annual Conference, Ben Gurion University, June 8, 2015
'Haskalah and Kabbalah: New Perspectives', workshop: Galicia,
Galicia: Literary and Historical Approaches to the Construction of a
Jewish Place ,The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, June 10, 2015
Chair: 'Nationalism and Culture', Nationalism, Zionism and Memory in
Galician Jewry, International Conference, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, June 23, 2015
'Sabbatianism and Hasidsm', Guest Lecture, Department of Jewish
Thought, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 23, 2015
'Jewish Demons: Yehudah Leib Mieses and the Image of Hasidism',
Galicia: Literary and Historical Approaches to the Construction of a
Jewish Place ,The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, July 1, 2015
'Hasidism, Mithnagdim and the Beginnings of Modern Jewish
Orthodoxy', Special Seminar, 3 lectures, Faculty of Letters, Department
of Religious Studies, The University of Tokyo, September 14-16, 2015
'Jewish Enlightenment and Esoteriscm: New Perspectives', Guest
Lecture, Department of Religious Studies, The University of Tokyo,
September 18, 2015
'Hasidism of the Future: Martin Buber, Hillel Zeitlin and East
European Hasidism', Guest Lecture, Doshisha University, Kyoto, October
3, 2015
84. 'Hillel Zeitlin and the Renaissance of Jewish Mysticism in Poland',
Guest Lecture, Japanese Association of Jewish Studies, Kobe, October 4,
'The Dissemination of Kabbalah in Eastern Europe in the Eighteenth
Century', Evening in the Honor of the Book The Sage Simhah Isaac Lutski,
An Eighteenth Century Karaite Rabbi: Selected Writings, by Daniel Lasker,
Ben Gurion University, November 4, 2015
'Forbidden Maskilic Books: Maskilim, Printers and Censors in
Vienna', 2nd Prague Colloquy on Hebrew Book, Charles University of
Prague - Prague Center for Jewish Studies, November 11, 2015
'The Image of Censorship and Book Burning in 19th century Jewish
Literature', 2nd Prague Colloquy on Hebrew Book, Charles University of
Prague - Prague Center for Jewish Studies, Public Lecture, November 12,
'Hayim Nahman Bialik, Jewish Mysticism and the Kinus Project',
Cherrick Forum, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 10, 2015
'Hillel Zeitlin. Y.L. Peretz and Hasidism in Warsaw', Zwischen zwei
Bergen: 100th Anniversary of Y.L. Peretz's Death, Tel Aviv University,
December 20, 2015
Chair: 'Tikunei haZohar', Zohar: Between East and West,
International Conference, Ben Gurion University, December 29, 2015
'Kabbalah and Poetry in Poland', The 8th Israeli Conference for the
Study of Contemporary Spiritualty, University of Haifa, December 31,
'Imagined Hasidism: Joseph Perl's Anti Hasidic Satires', Beit Shalom
Aleichem, Tel Aviv, January 11, 2016
'Joseph Perl and Rabbi Nathan of Nemirov”', Beit Shalom Aleichem,
Tel Aviv, February 8, 2016
'Hillel Zeitlin, William James and Hasidism', Life as Dialogue,
International Conference in Honour of Ephraim Meir, Bar Ilan University,
March 7, 2016
Chair: Evening in the Honor of two new Books: Judaism as Philosophy
(Haim Kreisel),The Hebrew Book (Zeev Gries), Ben Gurion University,
March 30, 2016
'The Yiddish Nietzsche: Notes on Religious Readings in Eastern
Europe', Evening in Honor of the book Zarathustra in Jerusalem:
Friedrich Nietzsche and Jewish Modernity by David Ohana, Van Leer
Institute, Jerusalem, May 8, 2016
Chair: "Kabbalah, Halakha and Aggadah", The Halakha, International
Conference, Ben Gurion University, May 18, 2016
Chair: Western Esotericism, Past and Present, The Sixth Annual
Conference of the Israeli Network for the Academic Study of Western
Esotericism, June 3, 2016
'The Open Border: Salman Schocken, Joseph Weiss and Bratslav
Hasidism', The Beginnings of Kabbalah Research in Jerusalem, Conference,
Schocken Institute, Jerusalem, June 7, 2016
'How Not to Read Anti-Hasidic Satires', Galicia Revisited: Literary
and Historical Approaches to a Jewish Place, Conference, The Hebrew
University of jerusalem, July 13, 2016
'Jewish Hagiography', Special Seminar, 3 Lectures, Graduate School
of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, September 28-30,
'Hagiography and the Rise of Jewish Popular Mystical Movements',
Guest Lecture, Department of Religious Studies, The University of Tokyo,
October 6, 2016
'Revealer of Secrets: Joseph Perl and the Anti Hasidic Satirical
Literature', Beit Shalom Aleichem, Tel Aviv, November 28, 2016
'Revealed and Concealed in Bratslav Literature', New Studies in
Bratslav Hassidism, International Conference, Schocken Institute,
Jerusalem, January 2, 2017
'The Renaissance of Bratslav Hasidism in Poland', New Studies in
Bratslav Hassidism, International Conference, Van Leer Institute,
Jerusalem, January 3, 2017
