Moshe Barak
Professor Emeritus
Personal Site
Teaching Experience
1970-1974 |
Electricity and Electronics (high school) ORT Ashkelon high school.
1975-1980 |
Electricity, Electronics and Computers, supervising final projects ORT Netanya Technological College.
1981-2001 |
Electricity, Electronics and Computers, supervising students final projects ORT Kiryat Byalik Technological College.
1987-1988 |
Problems in Teaching Electronics (undergraduate), Technion.
1988-1989 |
Practice in Teaching Electronics (undergraduate), Technion.
1988-1999 |
Methods of Teaching Technology - Electronics (undergraduate), Technion.
1988-2001 |
Methods of Teaching Technology - Electricity (undergraduate), Technion.
2002-presnt |
Aspects of Teaching Technology and Science (Graduate), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Teaching Science and Technology with Information and Computer Technologies (ICT), (Graduate), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2003-prsent |
Inventive Thinking in Science and Technology (Graduate), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2007-prsent |
Science, Information and Communication: Fundamentals of Image Processing (Graduate), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.