Daniel J. Lasker |
Other Publications:
1. Judaism and Christianity, Course Syllabus for the Academy for Jewish Studies Without Walls, New York, American Jewish Committee, 1976. 2. Abstract “Jewish Philosphical Polemics Against Christianity in the Middle Ages,” in AJS Newsletter, June, l977, p. 16. 3. Abstract “Averroistic Trends in Jewish-Christian Polemics in the Late Middle Ages,” in AJS Newsletter, Sept., 1978, pp. 11-24. 4. “The Status of Karaite Studies,” AJS Perspectives, 2:1, 2000, pp. 8-9. 5. New Introduction to R. Travers Herford, Christianity in Talmud and Midrash – Augmented Edition, New York, 2007, pp. xvii-xxvi. 6. Introduction to Judah Halevi, Kuzari, Tel Aviv, 2008, pp. 9-18. Translations: 1. “The Holiness Code“ and “Rechabites,“ Encyclopedia Judaica , Jerusalem, 1971-1972.
Newspapers: 1. “Ben Gurion University of the Negev has Unique History Department,” Jewish Journal of Broward County, January 15, 1987. 2. “Devar Torah: Shabbat Parah,” Long Island Jewish World, March 24-30, 1989. 3. “Rabbi Judah Hadassi,” Bita'on Benei Miqra, 4, September, 1989 (Hebrew). 4. “Devar Torah: Sukkot,” Long Island Jewish World, October 13-19, 1989. 5. “Devar Torah: Bereshit,” Long Island Jewish World, Oct. 27- Nov. 2, 1989. 6. “Devar Torah: Shemot,” Long Island Jewish World, January 19-25, 1990. 7. “Devar Torah: Naso,” Long Island Jewish World, June 1-7, 1990.“ 8. “Devar Torah: Ki Tetze,” Long Island Jewish World, Aug. 31-Sept. 6, 1990. 9. “Devar Torah: Nitzavim-Va-Yelekh,” Long Island Jewish World, Sept. 14-20, 1990. 10. “Devar Torah: Shemini Atzeret-Simhat Torah,” Long Island Jewish World, Oct. 12-18, 1990. 11. “Kessim and the Karaite Condition,” Jerusalem Post, Oct. 15, 1992, p. 6. 12. “Maimonides and the Karaites,” Bit’on Benei Miqra, 23, Sept., 1993 (Hebrew). 13. “Pirkei Avot, Chapter 2,” MeqomiDati, 200, Beer Sheva, April 15, 2010, p. 71.