Lectures and Meetings
Imagined Hasidism:
a study evening in honor of Yonatan Meir, Imagined Hasidism,
Jerusalem 2013, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, March 23, 2014.
Paper's title: "The satiric genre in Haskalah literature".
Gersonides through the ages: a conference, The University of Geneva,
February 17-20, 2014. Paper's title: "The reception history of
Gersonides books, according to their 15th-16th century printing
The 16th World
Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, July
30; Paper’s Title: "Joy in Hasidism: a History and sources"
Jewish ethical
literature in the 21st century: A Researchers workshop, The open
University,June 15-16, 2011, opening lecture: Jewish Ethical
literature and its place in Jewish culture.
Jewish Thought and
Jewish Belief an international conference Ben-Gurion University of
the Negev, June 2; Paper's title: "Zionism, Nationalism and religion
in the writings of 'Rav Zair' (Chaim Tchernowicz)".
Life stories: the
literary and journalistic work of Haim Beer, a conference,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, March 17; Paper's title:
"Memoirs of a book worm".
Aggadah and its
interpretations: historical Ideological and hermeneutics aspects, an
International conference, Bar-Ilan University, Lender Institute,
Touro College, Jerusalem January 19; Paper's title: "The Hasidic
Commentaries on tract Avot in the 18th and 19th centuries".
A conference
commemorating the late Rabbi Dr. Alexander Shafran's 100 years
anniversary Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, November 26; Paper's
title: "Jewish time and Jewish Identity".
The 15th World
Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, August
4; Paper’s Title: "The writers of articles in Kiryat Sefer, as
agents Of Culture".
A conference in
honour of Eliezer Schweid, on His eighties birthday, Yad Yitzhak
ben-Zevi, Jerusalem, September 7. Paper's title: " Schweid as a
critic of Hebrew literature"
A conference on :
“Spiritual and Cultural Power in Jewish Thought”, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, 28-30.5.07, papers title: ”Spiritual
authority and Political Power- the case of David Ben-Gurion”.
A conference on:”
Kabbalah and Modernity” University Of Amsterdam, 4-6.07, paper’s
title: ” Printing and Kabbalah In the twentieth century".
A conference on:
“Jewish Homiletic Literature”, Jerusalem The Israeli Historical
society, 16-17.7.07, paper’s title:” The Story in the sermons of the
Dubno Maggid”.
A conference on :"
The value of parents respect in Jewish and Chinese traditions", The
Open University, 6.4.06, paper's title: "Parents respect in Jewish
Ethical literature".
The 14th World
Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, July
31; Paper’s Title: “The History of the Jewish Print in Poland from
its Inception to the End of the 18th Century”.
Conference, The University of Milano, June 22, Ebraismo cultura
occidentale agli inizi del xx secolo”, Paper’s Title: “The Writing
and Printing of Hebrew Books circa 1905”.
Conference: “Kabbalah, Halakah and Custom”, Bar-Ilan University, May
23, Paper’s Title: “The Book ‘Arvei Nahal’ and Its Place in Hasidic
Homiletic Literature”.
Conference: “The Commentaries on Song of Songs Through the Ages”,
Haifa University, May 4, Paper’s Title: “The Commentaries on Song of
Songs in Early Kabbalah”.
Annual Israeli
Conference of The World Union of Jewish Studies: “Written and Oral
Sources in Jewish Studies”, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
January 5, Paper’s Title: “Jewish Homiletic Literature ─ Between
Oral and Written Tradition”.
University of the Negev, June 14-15, International Conference: "Book
History Approaches to Literature and Culture", Paper Title: "On the
Portrayal of the Hero as Illustrated by Maskilim Tales and Counter
Hasidic Tales".
University of the Negev, June 6-9, International Conference: "Study
and Knowledge in Jewish Thought", Paper's Title: "Printing and the
Jews: Oral Versus Written Tradition".
A series of four
lectures presented at the École des Hautes Études En Science
Sociales, Paris, February:
1. The Transition from Manuscripts to Printed Books, February 2nd.
2. The Jewish "République des lettres" of the 18th and 19th
Centuries", February 9th.
3. The Place and Function of Jewish Mysticism in Modern Times,
Through the History of Books, February 17th.
4. Hebrew Versus Yiddish – Sacred Versus Profane Literature,
February 23rd.
Annual Conference
of the Association for Jewish Studies, U.S.A., Boston, MA.,
December: Paper's Title: "A Portable Homeland – The Social and
Religious Function of Ethical Books, Printed in the Sixteenth
Annual Conference
of the Association for Jewish Studies U.S.A. Boston MA. December:
"Hasidic Prayer Stories as a Source for Intelectual History".
Yad Yizhak Ben Zevi:
A Colloquium on: Jewish Thought on Erez Yisrael in the 20th Century.
Paper's title: The Concept of Erez Yisrael in the Teaching of
Ya'akov Klazkin.
University of the Negev, Seminar of the Dept. of Jewish Thought,
October 1999, Paper's Title: "Literary Criticism of Hebrew
Literature in the 18th-19th Centuries".
The Hebrew
University, Jerusalem, the Annual Conference of the Depts. of Jewish
Thought in Israeli Universities in honor of E. Schweid, March 1998,
Paper's title: "Contemporary Jewish Thought and Jewish Culture".
Tel Aviv University
with the University of Memphis Conference on Popular Religion and
Communication Between Religions, May 1998. Paper's title: "Print as
an Agent of Jewish Popular Religion in the 18th Century".
The International
Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, The Hebrew
University, Jerusalem. Workshop on: The Town Religious Tolerance,
Literacy and Education. June-July 1998. Paper's title: "The Jewish
Book as an Agent of Education in Eastern Europe During the 19th
The Israeli Academy
of Sciences, The Institute of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University
Jerusalem, Haifa University. Conference on Sabbatien Research in
honor of G.G. Scholem, December 1998. Paper's title: "The Definition
of the Sabbatien hagiographic Literature".
The Institute of
Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Seminar on the
History of the Hebrew University, November 27; Paper's title:
"Enlightenment, Science and the Demand of Eastern European Jewry for
University Education".
Annual Conference
of the Association for Jewish Studies U.S.A. Boston MA., December;
Paper's title: "The Place and Function of Kabbalah in Jewish Life
and Thought During the Second Half of the 19th Century".
Conference on the Anthology in Hebrew Literature, Tel Aviv
University, June 7; Paper's title: "The Hasidic Tales Anthologies".
The Institute of
Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, seminar on
Tishbi's contribution to the study of Kabbalah, April 5. The Van
Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Paper's title: "The Reception of the
Zohar and the Controversy
Concerning its Publication in the Sixteenth Century".
The School of
Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Conference:
Studies in Hasidism, June 7. Paper's title: "The Place and Function
of Hasidic Hagiography in the History of Hasidism".
Annual Conference
of the Depts. of Jewish Thought of Israeli Universities, Bar Ilan,
Ramat Gan, June 21. Paper's title: "A Review of the Study of Jewish
The Dept. of
Philosophy, Ben-Gurion University of theNegev, Seminar on the
Binding of Isaac, July 5. Paper's title: "The Binding of Issac in
Hasidic Literature".
The Annual
Conference of the Historical Society of Israel, The Van Leer
Institute, Jerusalem, July 20. Paper's title: "The Printing of Books
in the 18th Century in General and in Eastern Europe in Particular
as an Expression of Changes in Jewish Education".
The Oriental
Institute, The University of Chicago, October 10.Paper's title:
"Between Tradition and Modernity – Sacred and Profane Hebrew
Literature in the Second Half of the 19th Century".
The Zalman Shazar
Center and the Historical Society of Israel.Conference on Redemption
and Heresy in Memory of Zalman Shazar, The Van Leer Institute,
October 24. Paper's title: "A Redemption for the One and for the
Many – A Review of the Scholarly Study of Messianism of the Hasidic
World Union of
Jewish Studies Congress, Jerusalem, Israel. Paper's title: "Between
Literature and History: History of the Kabbalistic Books in
Manuscripts and Printed Forms as a Source for the Place and Function
of Kabbalah in Jewish History".
Annual Conference
of the Depts. of Jewish Thought of Israeli Universities, Tel-Aviv,
Israel. Paper's title: "History of a Book as a Basis for the Study
of Jewish History.
Conference for the Study of Polish Jewry; Jerusalem, Israel. Paper's
title: 'The Historical Significance of the Early Prints of Hebrew
Ethical Books in Poland'.
Conference: Hasidism Reappraisal, in Memory of J. Weiss; London,
England. Paper's title: 'The Hasidic Managing Editor as an Agent of
Annual Conference
of the Association for Jewish Studies, U.S.A., Boston, MA.; Paper's
title: 'The Historical Significance of Prints of Hebrew Conduct (Hanhagot)
Literature in the Eighteenth Century'.
Annual Conference
of the Depts. of Jewish Thought of Israeli Universities, Tel-Aviv,
Israel. Paper's title: 'The Use of the "Zohar" by the Author of "Matnot
Seminar on Change and Development in the Jewish Society in the Turn
of the Sixteenth Century and in the Seventeenth Century, The Van
Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Israel. Paper's title: 'The Fashioning of
Hebrew Conduct (Hanhagot) Literature in the Turn of the Sixteenth
Century and in the Seventeenth Century'.