Zeev Gries

M.A. Students

At Ben-Gurion University of the Negev  

1. Mrs. Esther Tirosh. 2008-2010, Thesis title:Escorting Dying Parents.

2. Mr. Eldad weill. 2009, Thesis title: The Teaching of rebb Arieh Leib Frumkin on Eretz Yisrael and the  National Question.

3. Dr. Shimon Kohn. 2009, Thesis title: Simcha Bunem's of Pschizcha Leadersio as portrayed in the Hasidic tales.

4. Mr. Roi  Goldscmidt. 2009, Thesis title: Rebb Moshe of Dolina Kabbalistic and Hasidic teachings.

5. Mr. David Elkayam. 2009, Thesis title: Martin Buber's concept of Eretz Yisrael according to his book ' Bein Am Learzo'.

6. Mr. Aaron Havakuk. 2006, Thesis title: Rebb Abaraham Haim of Zlotshov's Teaching according to his book 'Pri Haim' on tract 'avot'.


At The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

1. Mr. Avriel Bar-Levav , 1986-1990. Thesis Title: Death in the World of the Mystic Rabbi Naftali Ha- Kohen Katz. Summa Cum Laude, 1990.




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