My main interest is in solving problems which are distributed by nature. Recent advances in technologies have resulted in many real world applications, which do not reside on a single machine and require a number of processes (agents) to collaborate in order to solve them (e.g., IOT applications). When agents are cooperative, these problems can be solved by Distributed Constraints Reasoning methods, which find solutions while avoiding data centralization. When the agents are self interested, there is a need to incentivise them to perform cooperatively and participate in the solving process. I believe that people are never either completely cooperative or non-cooperative, and thus, part of my efforts are in designing partial cooperative models to capture natural human behaviors by agents, and algorithms for solving them.
Arseni Pertzovski
Tehila Caspi
Uriel Zaed
Nimrod Weinstein
Ran Weissman
Steven Okamoto
Harel Yedidsion
Sofi Amador Nelke
Ben Rachmut
Shiraz Regev
Lior Blecher
Maya Lavie
Erel Cohen
Noam Gaon
Rotem Galiki
Tal Ze'evi
Yuval Gabai Schlosberg
Liel Cohen
Yarden Naveh
Tomer Parash
Michal Friedman
Hilla Peled