S. M. M. Reddy, E. Raßlenberg, S. Sloan-Dennison, T. Hesketh, O. Silberbush, T. Tuttle, E. Smith, D. Graham, K. Faulds, R. V. Ulijn, N. Ashkenasy, A. Lampel ” Proton-Conductive Melanin-Like Fibers through Enzymatic Oxidation of a Self-Assembling Peptide“, Adv. Mat, 32, 2003511 (2020).
¨ H. Manis-Levy; R. Eitan Abutbul; A. Grosman, H. Peled, Y. GolanC, N. Ashkenasy, A. Sa’ar, R. Shikler and G. Sarusi; “The role of CdS doping in improving SWIR photovoltaic and photoconductive responses in solution grown CdS/PbS heterojunctions”. Nanotechnology 25, 255502 (2020).
O. Silberbush, M. Engel, I. Sivron, S. Roy, N. Ashkenasy, “Self-Assembled Peptide Nanotube Films with High Proton Conductivity” J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 9882-9888 (2019).
N. Kramer, S. Sarkar, L. Kronik and N. Ashkenasy, “Systematic modification of the indium tin oxide work function via side-chain modulation of an amino-acid functionalization layer” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 21875-21881 (2019).
R. Contreras-Montoya, G. Escolano, S. Roy, M. T. Lopez-Lopez, J. M. Delgado-López, J. M. Cuerva, J. J. Díaz-Mochón, N. Ashkenasy, J. A. Gavira, L. Á. de CienfuegosI, ““Catalytic and Electron Conducting Carbon Nanotube–Reinforced Lysozyme Crystals” Adv. Funct. Mat. 29, 1807351 (2019).
M. Amit, S. Yuran, E. GaziI, M. Reches and N.Ashkenasy, ” Tailor Made Functional Peptide Self-Assembling Nanostructures” Adv. Mat. 30, 1707083 2018.
Y. Furmansky, S. Sergani, N. Ashkenasy, I. Visoly-Fisher, “Photoconductance of ITO/Conductive Polymer Junctions in the UV and Visible Ranges” J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 7288–7295.
M. Amit, S. Roy, Y. Deng, E. Josberger, M. Rolandi and N. Ashkenasy, “Measuring Proton Currents of Bioinspired Materials with Metallic Contacts” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 1933-1938 (2018).
O. Silberbush, M. Amit, S. Roy and N. Ashkenasy “Significant enhancement of proton transport in bioinspired peptide fibrils by single acidic or basic amino acid mutation” Adv. Func. Mat. *Highlighted On Wiley-VCH news website .
Maayan Matmor, George A. Lengyel, W. Seth Horne and Nurit Ashkenasy, “Peptide-functionalized semiconductor surfaces: strong surface electronic effects from minor” alterations to backbone composition“, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 19, 5709-5714 (2017).
D. Ivnitski, M. Amit, O. Silberbush, Y. Atsmon-Raz, J. Nanda, R. Cohen-Luria, Y. Miller, G. Ashkenasy, and N. Ashkenasy, “Structure Polymorphism Strongly Influences the Conductivity of Peptide Fibrils” Angewandte Chemie, 55, 9988 (2016).
J. Lerner-Yardeni, M. Amit, G. Ashkenasy, and N. Ashkenasy, “Sequence Dependent Proton Conduction in Self-Assembled Peptide Nanostructures” Nanoscale, 8, 235-2366 (2016).
P. Gordiichuk, D. Rimmerman, A. Paul, D. A. Gautier, A. Gruszka, M. Saller, J. W. de Vries, G.-J. Wetzelaer, M. Manca, W. Gomulya, M. Matmor, E. Gloukhikh, Mark Loznik, N. Ashkenasy, P. W. M. Blom, M. Rögner, M. A. Loi, S. Richter, and A. Herrmann, “Filling the green gap of a megadalton Photosystem I complex by conjugation of organic dyes” Bioconjugate Chem., 27, 33-41 (2016).
Y. Liebes-Peer, V. Bandalo, Ü. Sökmen, M. Tornow, and N.Ashkenasy, “Fabrication of nanopores in multi-layered silicon – based membranes using focused electron beam induced etching with XeF2 gas” Microchim. Acta 183, 987-994 (2016).
D. A. Cannon, N. Ashkenasy, and T. Tuttle, “Influence of solvent in Controlling Peptide−Surface Interactions” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 3944-3949 (2015).
D. Ivnitski, M. Amit, B. Rubinov, R. Cohen-Luria, N. Ashkenasy, and G. Ashkenasy “Introducing charge transfer functionality into prebiotically relevant β-sheet peptide fibrils” Chem. Commun. 50, 6733-6736 (2014).
Y. Liebes-Peer, H. Rapaport, and N. Ashkenasy, “Amplification of Single Molecule Translocation Signal Using β-Strand Peptide Functionalized Nanopores“, ACS Nano 8, 6822-6832 (2014).
M. Amit, S. Appel, R. Cohen, G. Cheng, I. W. Hamley, and N. Ashkenasy, “Hybrid Proton and Electron Transport in Peptide Fibrils“, Adv. Func. Mat. 24, 5873-5880 (2014).
M. Amit and N. Ashkenasy “Electronic properties of amyloid b-based peptide filaments with different non-natural heterocyclic side chains” Isr. J. Chem. 54, 703-707 (2014).
A. Atanassov, Z. Hendler, I. Berkovich, G. Ashkenasy, and N. Ashkenasy, “Force modulated conductance of artificial coiled-coil protein monolayers“, Biopolymers, 100, 93 (2013).
M. Matmor and N. Ashkenasy, “Modulating semiconductor surface electronic properties by inorganic peptide-binder sequence design”, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 134, 20403 (2012).
Y. Furmansky, H. Sasson, P. A. Liddell, D. Gust, N. Ashkenasy, and I. Visoly-Fisher, “Porphyrins as ITO photosensitizers: Substituents control photo-induced electron transfer direction”, J. Mater. Chem., 22, 20334 (2012).
B. Rubinov, N. Wagner, M. Matmor, O. Regev, N. Ashkenasy, and G. Ashkenasy, “Transient fibril structures facilitating non-enzymatic self-replication“, ACS Nano, 6, 7893 (2012). *Research highlight: Nature Nanotech., 7, 549 (2012).
M. Amit, G. Cheng , I. W. Hamley, and N. Ashkenasy, “Conductance of amyloid β based peptide filaments: structure–function relations“, Soft Matter, 8, 8690 (2012).
M. Mizrahi, A. Zakrassov, J. Lerner-Yardeni, and N. Ashkenasy, “Charge transport in vertically aligned, self-assembled peptide nanotube junctions“, Nanoscale, 4, 518 (2012).
A. Kovalev, D. Wainstein, A. Rashkovskiy, A. Osherov, Y. Golan, and N. Ashkenasy, “Complex investigation of electronic structure transformations in Lead Sulphide nanoparticles using a set of electron spectroscopy techniques“, Vacuum, 86, 638 (2012).
V. Bourbo, M. Matmor, E. Shtelman, B. Rubinov, N. Ashkenasy, and G. Ashkenasy “Self-assembly and self-replication of short amphiphilic β-sheet peptides“, Orig. Life Evol. Biosph., 41, 563 (2011).
A. Osherov, M. Matmor, N. Froumin, N. Ashkenasy, and Y. Golan, “Surface termination control in chemically deposited PbS films: aspects of nucleation and growth on gallium terminated GaAs(111)A and arsenic terminated GaAs(111)B”, J. Phys Chem. C, 115, 16501 (2011).
O. Vaknin, B. Khamaisi, and N. Ashkenasy, “Controlling field-effect transistor biosensor electrical characteristics using immunosorbent assay”, Electroanalysis, 23, 2327 (2011).
Y. Liebes, B. Hadad, and N. Ashkenasy, “Effects of electrons on the shape of nanopores prepared by focused electron beam induced etching”, Nanotechnology, 22, 285303 (2011).
M. Matmor and N. Ashkenasy, “Peptide directed growth of gold films”, J. Mater. Chem., 21, 968 (2011).
G. Ashkenasy, Z. Dadon, S. Alesebi, N. Wagner, and N. Ashkenasy, “Building logic into peptide networks from bottom-up and top-down”, Isr. J. Chem., 51, 106 (2011).
Y. Liebes, M. Drozdov, Y. Y. Avital, H. Rapaport, W. D. Kaplan, and N. Ashkenasy, “Reconstructing solid state nanopores shape by electrical measurements” Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 223105 (2010). *Work highlight: the December 6, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
A. I. Kovalev, D. L. Wainshtein, A. Yu. Rashkovsky, Y. Golan, A. Osherov, and N. Ashkenasy, “Studying of quantum size effects origination in semiconducting lead sulfide nanocrystals” Prot. Met. Phys. Chem. S, 46, 633 (2010).
B. Khamaisi, O. Vaknin, O. Shaya and N. Ashkenasy, “Electrical performance of silicon-on-insulator field-effect transistors with multiple top-gate organic layers in electrolyte solution“, ACS Nano, 4, 4601 (2010).
C. Shlizerman, A. Atanassov, I. Berkovich, G. Ashkenasy and N. Ashkenasy, “De novo designed coiled-coil proteins with variable conformations as components of molecular electronic devices“, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 5070 (2010).
R. Nochomovitz, M. Amit, M. Matmor and N. Ashkenasy, “Bioassisted multi-nanoparticle patterning using single-layer peptide templates“, Nanotechnology, 21, 145305 (2010).
M. Yemini, B. Hadad, Y. Liebes, A. Goldner, and N. Ashkenasy, “The controlled fabrication of nanopores by focused electron-beam-induced etching“, Nanotechnology, 20, 245302 (2009).
N. Ashkenasy, W. S. Horne, and M. Reza Ghadiri “Design of self-assembling peptide nanotubes with large delocalized electronic states“, Small, 2, 99 (2006). *Cover picture: Volume 2, Issue 1, Date: January (2006).
N. Ashkenasy, J. Sánchez-Quesada, H. Bayley, and M. Reza Ghadiri, “Recognizing a single base in an individual DNA strand: a step toward nanopore DNA sequencing”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 44, 1401 (2005). Angew. Chem. 117, 1425 (2005). *Work highlight: Research Highlights, Nature, 434, 36 (2005).
W. S. Horne*, N. Ashkenasy*, and M. Reza Ghadiri, “Modulating charge transfer through cyclic d,l a-peptide self-assembly”, Chem.-Eur. J., 11, 1137 (2005). *Equal contribution
A. Rothschild, A. Levakov, Y. Shapira, N. Ashkenasy, and Y. Komem, “Electronic and transport properties of reduced and oxidized nanocrystalline TiO2 films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 574 (2003).
A. Rothschild, A. Levakov, Y. Shapira, N. Ashkenasy, and Y. Komem, “Surface photovoltage spectroscopy study of reduced and oxidized nanocrystalline TiO2 films”, Surf. Sci. 532-535, 456 (2003).
Rothschild, Y. Komem, and N. Ashkenasy, “Quantitative evaluation of chemisorption processes on semiconductors”, J. Appl. Phys. 92, 7090 (2002).
G. Lubarsky, R. Shikler, N. Ashkenasy, and Y. Rosenwaks, “Quantitative evaluation of local charge trapping in dielectric stacked gate structures using Kelvin probe force microscopy”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 20, 1914 (2002).
L. Zhu, O. Younes, N. Ashkenasy, Y. Shacham-Diamand, and E. Gileadi, “STM/AFM study of the evolution of morphology of electroplated Ni/W alloys”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 200, 1 (2002).
S. Solodky, M. Leibovitch, N. Ashkenasy, I. Hallakoun, Y. Rosenwaks, and Y. Shapira, “Characterization methodology for pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor using surface photovoltage spectroscopy”, J. Appl. Phys. 88, 6775 (2000).
N. Ashkenasy, M. Leibovitch, Y. Rosenwaks, Y. Shapira, K. W. J. Barnham, J. Nelson, and J. Barnes, “GaAs/AlGaAs single quantum well p-i-n structures: a surface photovoltage study”, J. Appl. Phys. 86, 6902 (1999).
L. Kronik, N. Ashkenasy, E. Fefer, M. Leibovitch, Y. Shapira, S. Gorer, and G. Hodes, “Surface states and photovoltaic effects at CdSe quantum dot films”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 145, 1748 (1998).
N. Ashkenasy, M. Leibovitch, Y. Shapira, F. H. Pollak, T. Burnham, and X. Wang, “Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of an InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs single quantum well laser structure”, J. Appl. Phys. 83, 1146 (1998).
N. Bachrach-Ashkenasy, L. Kronik, Y. Shapira, Y. Rosenwaks, M. C. Hanna, M. Leibovitch, and P. Ram, “Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of quantum wells and superlattices”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 879 (1996).