M.A. Students
Barzin - Thesis: "The Concept of Happiness in the Teachings of
Maimonides and Rabbi Chasdai Crescas," 1998
David Ben-Zazon
– Thesis: "The Study of the Methodologies used to Interpret
Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed: The Exegesis of R. Shem Tov Ibn
Falaquera and Leo Strauss," 2004
Binyamin – Thesis: "Rabbi Moshe of Salerno's Commentary on the
Chapters on Prophecy in Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed -
Critical Edition with Introduction and Notes," 2005
Kohler – Thesis: "The Notion of Infinity in Gersonides’ Philosophy,"
Uriel Nahum
– Thesis: “Bustan al-Ukul by Nethanel Ibn Fayyumi – The Structure of
the Treatise and its Ideological Approach”, 2006 (Touro College)
Israel – Thesis: “Commentary of R. Moshe Ibn Tibbon on the Piyyutei
Azharot of R. Solomon Ibn Gabirol”, 2007
Yaakov Korzvail –
Thesis: “The Nazir’s Commentary on Emunot VeDeot”, 2008
Ph.D. Students
Michael Rony – Thesis:
"Jewish Medieval Philosophical Commentaries to the Story of the
Tower of Babel (Heb.)" (2007)
David Ben-Zazon –
Thesis: “Don Isaac Abrabanel’s Commentary on Maimonides’ Guide of
the Perplexed (Heb.)” (2009)
Orly Shushan – Thesis:
"The Exegesis of R. Eliezer b. Mattityahu and the Early
Philosophical Commentaries on Ibn Ezra (Heb.)" (2009)
George Kohler – Thesis:
“The Rediscovery of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed by German
Judaica Scholars in the 19th Century” [with Prof. Gidon Freudenthal,
Tel-Aviv University] (2010, with distinction)
Ofer Elior – Thesis:
“Sefer Ruah Hen: An Intellectual and Cultural History” [with Prof.
Gad Freudenthal, CNRS] (2011, with distincrion)
Yaakov Korzvail –
Thesis: Rabbi David Cohen (Nazir) as Editor and Commentator on Rabbi
Kook’s Writings (Heb, 2014)
Post-Doctoral Students
Dr. Gitit Holzman
(2000-2002): Research Project: Moshe Narboni's Commentary on The
Guide of the Perplexed
Dr. Aviram Ravitsky
(2006-2008): Research Project: Ideology and Jurisprudence in
Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah