Maimonides' Political Thought
New York: State University
of New York Press, 1999
This book presents a
series of studies that cover a wide range of issues relating to
Maimonides' political thought, including the basis for political and
ethical knowledge; the notion of the "good"; imitatio Dei; apparent
contradictions in his position on ethics; the conception of God that he
attempts to inculcate to Jewish society at large; and his novel approach
to the love and fear of God. Taking into account his medieval
Aristotelian and Jewish sources, these explorations also deal with some
of the opposing considerations that Maimonides had to balance in
developing and presenting his positions on such subjects as the nature
of the divine law, the static vs. dynamic dimensions of Mosaic law,
prophetic and rabbinic authority within Judaism, the reasons for the
commandments, and martyrdom. A close reading of the manner in which he
formulated his views, in light of their literary and
intellectual-historical contexts, allows us a better glimpse of how
profound and subtle Maimonides is as a thinker and an educator.
360 pages, including abstract, bibliography and general index