S. Dubinski, A. Talmor, O. Presler, A. Tshuva, I. Yaar, I. Orion,
Z.B. Alfassi, "The determination of a neutron source position in an unknown
homogeneous medium: The planar case" Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 548 (2005) 555-563.
L. Wielopolski, Z. Song, I. Orion, A. L. Hanson and G. Hendrey,
"Basic considerations for Monte Carlo calculations in soil",
Applied Rad. Isotopes Vol 62, Issue 1, Pages 97-107 (January 2005).
R.Ashkenazi, J.Koch, I. Orion, "Theoretical Assessment of Aircrew Exposure to Galactic Cosmic Radiation Using
the FLUKA Monte Carlo Code", IRPA Vol. 11, (2004).
I. Orion, "Detection system response for burst-events on a spherical surface: comparison of three different monitoring algorithms using
Monte Carlo modeling", Proceeding of SPIE: Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VI, Vol. 4881 (2003).
I. Orion, L. Wielopolski, "Limitations in the PHOTON Monte Carlo
gamma transport code", Nuc. Inst. Met. A 480 729-733 (2002).
R. Schulte, V. Bashkirov, G. Garty, S. Shchemelinin, I. Orion, A. Breskin, R. Chechik and B. Grosswendt,
"Ion-counting nanodosimetry: current status and future applications"
Proceedings of the 2001 International Workshop on Micro- and Mini- Dosimetry, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2001
G. Garty, S. Shchemelinin, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, G. Assaf, I. Orion, V. Bashkirov, R. Schulte and B. Grosswendt,
"The performance of a novel ion-counting nanodosimeter",Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A491(3) pp 139-162 (2002)
G. Garty, S. Shchemelinin, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, I. Orion, G.P. Guedes, R. Schulte, V. Bashkirov and B. Grosswendt
, "Wall-less ion-counting nanodosimetry applied to protons",
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 99(1-4), pp 325-330 (2002).
A. Henn, J. Halfon, I. Kela,
I. Orion, and I. Sagi "Nucleic acid fragmentation on the millisecond timescale using a conventional X-ray
rotating anode source: application to protein-DNA footprinting",
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I Orion, A B Rosenfeld, F A Dilmanian,
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I. Orion, F. A. Dilmanian, Z. Zhong,
A.B. Rosenfeld, A. Henn, I. Sagi and L. Pena, "Simulations for X-Ray Synchrotron Beams Using
The EGS4 Code System in Medical Applications", Proceedings of The Monte Carlo 2000: International Conference on Advanced
Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications,
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A. Rosenfeld, G. Kaplan, B. Allen, A. Dilmanian., T. Kron, A. Holmes-Siedle,
"MOSFET Dosimetry of an X-ray Microbeam", IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci.,
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F. A. Dilmanian, G.M. Morris,
G. LeDuc, X. Huang, B. Ren, T. Bacarian, J. Kalef-Ezra,
I. Orion, T. Sandhu, X. Y. Wu, Z. Zhong and H. L. Shivapasad,
"Response of Avian Embryonic Brain to Spatially Segmented X-Ray Microbeams",
Cellular and Molecular Biology 47, 3: 485-494 (2001).
F. A. Dilmanian, Z. Zhong, B. Ren, X. Y. Wu, L. D. Chapman, I. Orion and
W. C. Thomlinson, "Computed tomography of x-ray index of refraction using the
diffraction enhanced imaging method",Phys. Med. Biol. 45 (2000) 933-946.
L. Wielopolski, I. Orion, G. Hendrey, and H. Roger, "Soil Carbon Measurements Using Inelastic
Neutron Scattering", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 2000
I. Orion and L. Wielopolski, "Response Function of the BGO and NaI(Tl)
Detectors Using Monte Carlo Simulations",IN VIVO BODY COMPOSITION STUDIES
Annals of the New York Academy of Science (May 2000; 904: 271-5)
A. Pernick, I. Orion, D. Ilzycer, and H. Zafrir,
"Applications of a self-collimating BGO detector system to radiological emergency response."
Health Phys. 1997 Jan;72(1):136-40. Abstract in html