Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.B.653, Beer-Sheva 84105, ISRAEL
Phone: +972-8-6461326
List of Current Research Topics:
Monte Carlo Simulations for Gamma, X-rays, Electrons, and Neutrons
Synchrotron Radiation for Medical Applications
DNA Damage by Radiation, and Auger Electron Therapy
Gamma Rays Detectors
Environmental Radiation
More details can be found below:
Selected Links
Electron Gamma Shower (EGS) Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code
MCNP radiation transport code web page
Synchrotron Calculations
X-rays cross sections for elements, compounds, and mixtures
Israeli Astronomical Association and Givatayim Observatory
Orit Orion Art Web Gallery
Peyman Art Gallery
link to scirus
May - 15 - 2020