- 09/16 - I presented our paper Radio Cover Time in Hyper-Graphs at DIALM 2010.
- During the visit I had some nice discussions about dynamic graphs, specially with Keren Censor-Hillel and Rajmohan Rajaraman.
- 09/13 - During my trip to DISC 2010 and DIALM 2010 I gave a seminar talk at the Theory of Computation group of Harvard University. Thanks to Michael Mitzenmacher for arranging the visit, I had great time talking to student od faculty from the group. The talk title was Random Walks for (Wireless) Networs.
- Our paper "Radio Cover Time in Hyper-Graphs" was accepted to DIALM-POMC 2010.
- 17/06 - I gave a CS Colloquium talk at Bar-Ilan university.
- 14/06 - The Finals of our The CSE Android Challenge 2010 was a great success with very nice applications, check it out.
- 05/05 - I gave an invited talk on the Israeli Hungarian Workshop on Future Internet Research: New Routing Protocols for Ethernet Transport Network Architecture (ETNA).
- 08/04 - We lunched our first mobile programming challenge, organized by our department - The CSE Android Challenge 2010. Good luck and we hope to make it a tradition!!!
- 02/04 - Our Gossip paper with Michael Borokhovic and Zvi Lotker, Tight Bounds for Algebraic Gossip on Graphs, was accepted to ISIT 2010.
- 28/03 - Our paper Probabilistic Quorum Systems in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Roy Friedman and Gabriel Kliot was accepted to the ACM Transactions on Computer Systems.
- 26/03 - The journal version of our HETNA paper Scalable, Hierarchical, Ethernet Transport Network Architecture (HETNA) with Eliav Menachi and Ran Giladi was accepted to Telecommunication Systems.
- 15/03 - Submitted a paper with my M.Sc student Yaniv Dvory and Ran Giladi to Globecom 2010. Geographical Quadtree routing.
- 10/02 - Submitted an improved version of the Hyper-graphs paper to ICALP 2010. The Radio Cover Time of Simple Random Walks on Hyper-Graphs.
- 02/02 - Submitted a spinoff of the gossip paper to SIROCCO 2010. On the Speedup of Algebraic Gossip via Exchange.
- 24-29/01 - I visited Robert Elsaesser in Freiburg, Germany and worked on random walks on Hyper-graphs.
- 13/01 - Submitted a improved version of out gossip version to ISIT 2010. Tight Bounds for Algebraic Gossip on Graphs.
- 11/12 - I will skip the rejected papers section... Our EWSN-10 paper "Querying Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks with Non-Revisiting Random Walks" co-authored with Marco Zuniga1 and Manfred Hauswirth was accepted.
- 25/11 - I will be the publicity chair of DCOSS 2010
- 04/11 - I gave a talk at the ClubNet in the Technion.
- 01/11 - Don't give up :-). Submitted a new ISF grant application Gossip and Random-Walks-based Protocols for Dynamic Networks, this time by myself.
- 17/10 - Submitted a joint paper to EWSN. This is a double blind review so I will not tell any more details at this time...
- 26/09-02/10 - As part of my GIF grant I visited Prof. Christian Scheideler from the University of Paderborn to try and start some joint work. I was happy to learn about the work on self stabilizing topologies that is being done in his group, and I hope we can cooperate on this topic. I also meet with Robert Elsässer from Paderborn and Petra Berenbrink who was visiting there and discussed some interesting problems.
- 22/09 - Submitted a paper The Radio Cover Time of Wireless Networks with Yuval Lando and Zvi Lotker about random walks on Hyper-Graphs.
- 05/08 - I returned from a 2 weeks working visit USC with Prof. Bhaskar Krishnamachari's lab. Besides USC, I was hosted for talks in UCAL by Prof. Mario Gerla, and in U.C Irvine by Prof. Gene Tsudik. Had a great time.
- 31/07 - Submitted a new paper to Infocom 2010 with Michael Borokhovich and Zvi Lotker. Title: Algebraic Gossip via EXCHANGE: Analytical and Simulation Results. paper. Thesis.
- 31/07 - Submitted a new version of our paper HETNA: A Scalable Ethernet Architecture for Intra- and Inter-Domain Transport Services with Ran Giladi and Eliav Menachi to Infocom 2010.
- 15/07 - Our BFS grant application with Eli Upfal, titled: "Stochastic Models and Protocols for Dynamic Networks" was rejected, but with excellent comments and a very good grade.
- 15/07 - We received (Me and Zvika) a grant from the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor link. This is a joint Magneton program with Mobilicom.
- 15/07 - The ISF grant I was involved in as a collaborator with David Peleg and Zvi Lotker (Title: SINR diagrams: characterization, properties and applications) was granted, for 4 year!
- 10/07 - We had our second students seminar day ('wiki party') this Friday. Masters' students presentations were very interesting as well as the 'ice-cream' party for lunch ... the full details can be found on our wiki.
- 02/07 - Our paper From Trees to DAGs: Improving the Performance of Bridged Ethernet Networks was accepted to Globecom. Cool.
- 01/07 - Forth year students' project day was a great success. Details may come later.
- 29-30/06 - I attended Med-Hoc-Net 2009 at the Technion and gave a talk "Random Walks for Wireless Networks. There were some pretty interesting talks and I was happy to meet some new people.
- 01/06 - We got initial comments on our Globecom paper (for a rebuttal) which seems good, I'm optimistic - From Trees to DAGs: Improving the Performance of Bridged Ethernet Networks.
- 01/06 - Another SINR paper was accepted! The ESA paper On the Power of Uniform Power: Capacity of Wireless Networks with Bounded Resources.
- 01/06 - Algosensors paper was accepted! ""A Note on Uniform Power Connectivity in the SINR Model".
- 05/05 - Submitted a paper with Yuval Lando and Zvi Lotker: "Simple Random Walks on Radio Networks".
- 05/05 - Submitted a paper with Zvi Lotker, Francesco Pasquale and Yvonne-Anne Pignolet about connectivity in the SINR model: "A Note on Uniform Power Connectivity in the SINR Model".
- 20/04-12/05 - Francesco Pasquale was visiting Zvika and me and we work together on some problems.
- 16/04 - Our PODC paper was accepted. SINR Diagrams: Towards Algorithmically Usable SINR Models of Wireless Networks.
- 02/04 - Submitted the paper From Trees to DAGs: Improving the Performance of Bridged Ethernet Networks to Globecom. This paper is an outcome of ETNA and it is a joint work with Ran Giladi, Nissan Lev-Tov and Zvi Lotker.
- 26/03 - # Michael Borokhovich presented our paper MASTERING (VIRTUAL) NETWORKS: A Case Study of Virtualizing Internet Lab in CSEDU 2009 helded in Lisbon.
- 20/02 - We had our first sensor networks seminar day this Friday. Students presentations were a great success as well as Dominos pizza... the full details can be found on our wiki.
- 15/02 - Submitted a journal version of the paper Probabilistic Quorum Systems in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks - with Roy Friedman and Gabriel Kliot from the Technion.
- 10/02 - Submitted a paper with Zvi Lotker and Yvonne Anne Pignolet - On the Power of Uniform Power: Capacity of Wireless Networks with Bounded Resources.
- 04/02 - STOC paper was rejected. The virtual lab paper was accepted :-), Michael is going to Lisbon!
- 30/1 - Submitted a paper with Ran Giladi and Eliav Menachi about inter-domain, Ethernet-based architecture. This paper is an outcome of the ETNA project (see research page).
- 22/1/2009 - Submitted a paper co-authored with my undergrad student Kobi Nae about Gabber-Galil overlay network for sensor networks. This paper is the outcome of a 4'th year project that started as final project in my class on network algorithms, which make me proud!
- We had a war going a round here :-(. When the hell this is going to end...
- 11/12 - I've submitted a paper together with Michael Borokhovich and Arik Goldfeld about the virtual Internet lab we developed for the class Computer networks 2 that I'm teaching. pdf
- 08/12 - I was invited to be TPC member in The 8th IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, this is a great chance to visit Israel. I'm also a TCP on The 5th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks.
- 25/11-06/12 - Yvonne Anne Pignolet was visiting Zvika and we worked together on some SINR related problems, was fun!
- 20/11/2008 - New homepage opened :-)
- 17/11/2008 - Submitted the work on SINR to STOC-09 after about a year of hard work. see a nice demo here.
- 16/11/2008 semester A started....
- 17/11/2008 - Submitted BSF proposal jointly with Eli Upfal and Zvi Lotker (Title: Stochastic Models and Protocols for Dynamic Networks).
- 1/11/2008 - Submitted ISF proposal as a collaborator with David Peleg and Zvi Lotker (Title: SINR diagrams: characterization, properties and applications).