The laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology at the Ben-Gurion University, Israel

The laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology at the Ben-Gurion University is an interdisciplinary research entity uniting scientists, engineers, and other individuals who are interested in various aspects of environmental biotechnology. The laboratory has a long experience in water and wastewater research and analysis of water and wastewater treatment related technologies. As such, it is well equipped for water and wastewater research, in particular for microbiological-related issues. The Laboratory employs senior researchers, post-doctoral researchers, technicians (chemistry and microbiology), and Ph.D. and M.Sc. students. We have carried out many studies related to water and soil pollution, including treatment of various types of industrial wastes such as the Ramat Hovav chemical wastes.
An additional research activity in the lab includes investigation of the diversity and distribution of microorganisms from a variety of environments through approaches based on molecular studies. The research is aimed at understanding the structure and function of microbial communities and their dynamics with regard to the environment. These investigations include the isolation of bacteria and their study under defined conditions in the laboratory. This includes characterization of the enrichment and pure cultures by nucleic acids analysis. Research projects include; wastewater treatment and bioremediation, discovery of novel antibiotics from cultured and uncultured microorganisms, characterization of microorganisms from coral surfaces and assessing their potential roles in the marine ecosystem.