Claude Aflalo's Scientific Publications
Immobilized enzymes
Molecular recognition
Ciliary ATP receptors

1. Chapters in collective volumes and presentations
1.1. N. Shavit, D. Bar-Zvi,
O.L. Podhajcer & C. AFLALO, 1981.
Role of Tight Nucleotide Binding Sites in the Regulation of the Chloroplast
ATP Synthetase Functions in Proceedings of the 5th International Congress
on Photosynthesis (G. Akoyunoglou, ed.), Vol. 2, pp. 789-800, Balaban
Int. Sci. Ser., Philadelphia.
1.2. N. Shavit, C. AFLALO
& D. Bar-Zvi, 1981.
Role of Tight Nucleotide Binding Sites in the Modulation of the Chloroplast
ATP Synthetase Activity in Energy Coupling in Photosynthesis (B.R.
Selman & S. Selman-Reimer, eds.), pp. 197-207, Elsevier/North Holland,
1.3. C. AFLALO & N. Shavit, 1984.
Limited Access of Nucleotides to the Active Site of ATP Synthetase During
Photophosphorylation in Proceedings of the 6th International Congress
on Photosynthesis (C. Sybesma, ed.), Vol. 2, pp. 559-562, Nijhoff/Junk
Publishers, The Hague.
1.4. N. Shavit, C. AFLALO,
D. Bar-Zvi & M.A. Tiefert, 1984.
Modulation of ATP Synthetase: Conformational States, Nucleotides Binding
and Limited Accessibility to the Active Site in Proceedings of the 6th
International Congress on Photosynthesis (C. Sybesma, ed.), Vol. 2,
pp. 493-500, Nijhoff/Junk Publishers, The Hague.
1.5. C. AFLALO & N. Shavit, 1984.
Involvement of Nucleotides Concentration Gradients in ATP Formation by
the Membrane-Bound ATP Synthetase in Reports of the 3rd European Bioenergetics
Conference (G. Schafer, ed.), pp. 291-292, Congress Edition, Hannover.
1.6. C. AFLALO &
M. DeLuca, 1988.
Continuous monitoring of ATP in the Microenvironment of Immobilized Enzymes
by Firefly Luciferase in The Ion Pumps, Structure Function and Regulation
(W.D. Stein, ed.), pp. 337-342, Alan Liss, Inc. NY.
1.7. C. AFLALO, 1993.
Monitoring a Heterogeneous Coupled System Using Soluble and Biologically
localized Firefly Luciferase as a probe for Bulk and Local [ATP] in Modern
Trends in Biothermokinetics (S. Schuster, M. Rigoulet, R. Ouhabi, and
J.-P. Mazat, eds.), pp. 7-10, Plenum, NY.
1.8. C. AFLALO, 1994.
Biologically localized Firefly Luciferase Probes Local [ATP] at the Surface
of Yeast Mitochondria in Biothermokinetics (H.V. Westerhoff, ed.),
pp. 345-353, INTERCEPT, Andover, U.K.
1.9. C. AFLALO & I.
A. Vakser, 1996. [Reviewed article]
Molecular Recognition Techniques: Geometric Docking and its Enhancement
using Hydrophobicity. In BioThermoKinetics of the Living Cell (Westerhoff,
H.V., Snoep, J.L., Sluse, F.E., Wijker J.E. & Kholodenko B.N., eds.),
pp. 283-288 (erratum p. 407), BioThermoKinetics Press, Amsterdam.
1.10. H. Azoulay &
C. AFLALO, 1996. [Reviewed article]
Binding of hexokinase to mitochondia of various sources. In BioThermoKinetics
of the Living Cell (Westerhoff, H.V., Snoep, J.L., Sluse, F.E., Wijker
J.E. & Kholodenko B.N., eds.), pp. 289-294, BioThermoKinetics Press,
1.11. C. AFLALO & S Boussiba, 2007. Presentation
On the relative efficiency of two-stage vs. one-stage production of astaxanthin by the green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis Microalgal Biotechnology Workshop, Potsdam, Germany.
1.12. E Peled, A Zarka, C. AFLALO & S Boussiba, 2008. Presentation
Localization of astaxanthin rich oil globules in Haematococcus pluvialis: a photodynamic process. International Conference on Applied Phycology, Galway Ireland.
1.13. C. AFLALO, 2008. Poster
. Light-dependent proton uptake activity in Haematococcus pluvialis. International Conference on Applied Phycology, Galway Ireland.
1.14. C. AFLALO, 2009. Presentation
The need, application and results of microalgal biomass analysis to study Carbon flux and its control under growth and stress conditions for biofuels production. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nice, France.
1.15. C. AFLALO, 2010. Presentation
Insight in microalgal carbon flux under growth and stress conditions by biomass analysis. Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas Wheaton College, Norton, MA, USA.
1.16. C. AFLALO, 2010.
[Invited article] Microalgae: a promising energy crop. Passages (Adapes), 161 pp. 53-54.
1.17. C. AFLALO & Y. Zarmi, 2011. Poster
A reassessment of the validity and usefulness of the classic 3 states model for the steady state action and inhibition of the reaction center in photosynthesis. . 4th Congress of ISAP, Halifax, Canada.
1.18. Y. Zarmi, G. Bel & C. AFLALO, 2013.
Theoretical analysis of culture growth in flat-plate bioreactors: the essential role of timescales. Handbook of Microalgal Culture, eds Richmond A & Hu Q (Wiley-Blackwell), 2nd Ed, pp 205-224.
1.19. C. AFLALO, 2013. Presentation
A model for microalgal photosynthesis coupled to random walk in a mixed photobioreactor at high densities. Metabolic Pathways Analysis, Oxford, UK.
1.20. C. AFLALO, 2013. Presentation
Microalgal photosynthesis coupled to cell motion in a photobioreactor: kinetic model and dynamic simulation. Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts, Santa fe, NM, USA.
1.21. C. AFLALO, 2014. Presentation
Microalgal photosynthesis coupled to cell motion in a photobioreactor: kinetic model and dynamic simulation. Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
1.22. C. AFLALO, 2015. Presentation
The need, application and results of microalgal biomass analysis to study Carbon flux and its control under growth and stress conditions for biofuel production. Nice, France.
1.23. A. Solovchenko, K. Chekanov , K. Neverov, E. Schastnaya, A. Lukyanov & C. AFLALO. 2016. Presentation.
Red or dead: photosynthetic acclimation in carotenogenic microalga Haematococcus pluvialis under stress. International Conference "Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability” Puschino, Russia.
1.24. C. AFLALO & E. Dan. 2016. Presentation
Data acquisition and control system for microalgal culture in a LED-illuminated flat-panel airlift bioreactor. 17th International Conference on Cell & Mol. Biol. of Chlamydomonas. Kyoto, Japan
1.25. C.AFLALO. 2016. Poster
Microalgal photosynthesis coupled to cell motion in a photobioreactor kinetic model and dynamic simulation. Meeting of the Japanese Society for Photosynthesis. Kyoto, Japan.
1.26. C. AFLALO, & E. Dan. 2017. Presentation
Data acquisition and control system for microalgal culture in a dual LED-illuminated flat-panel airlift bioreactor. ISAP 2017 Conference. Nantes, France.
1.27. Dan, E., Parmet, Y., Kerner, Y., Edan, Y. & C. AFLALO. 2017. Poster
Stochastic models for light absorption and scattering in 1D applying the Markov Chain formalism. ISAP 2017 Conference. Nantes, France.
2. Refereed articles in scientific journals
2.1. C. AFLALO & N. Shavit, 1976.
Phosphorylation of Nucleotides Bound to Chloroplast Membranes and their
Role in Photophosphorylation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 440,
2.2. C. AFLALO & N. Shavit, 1982.
Source of Rapidly Labeled ATP Tightly Bound to Non-Catalytic Sites on the
Chloroplast ATP Synthetase. Eur. J. Biochem. 126, 61-68.
2.3. C. AFLALO & N. Shavit, 1983.
Steady State Kinetics of Photophosphorylation: Limited Access of Nucleotides
to the Active Site on the ATP Synthetase. FEBS lett. 154,
2.4. C. AFLALO & N. Shavit, 1984.
A New Approach to the Mechanism of Phosphorylation: Modulation of ATP Synthetase
Activity by Limited Diffusibility of Nucleotides Near the Enzyme. Current
Topics in Cellular Regulation 24, 435-445.
2.5. C. AFLALO &
M. DeLuca, 1987.
Continuous Monitoring of ATP in the Microenvironment of Immobilized Enzymes
by Firefly Luciferase. Biochemistry 26, 3913-3920.
2.6. C. AFLALO, 1990.
Targeting of Cloned Firefly Luciferase to Yeast Mitochondria. Biochemistry
29, 4758-4766.
2.7. C. AFLALO, 1991.
Biologically Localized Firefly Luciferase: A Tool to Study Cellular Processes.
International Reviews in Cytology 130, 269-323.
2.8. E. Katchalski-Katzir,
I. Sariv, M. Eisenstein, A.A. Friesem, C. AFLALO & I.A. Vakser, 1992.
Molecular Surface Recognition: Determination of Geometric Fit Between Proteins
and Their Ligands by Correlation Techniques. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
USA. 89, 2195-2199.
2.9. C. AFLALO & L.A.
Segel, 1992.
Local Probes and Heterogeneous Catalysis: A Case Study of A Mitochondria-Luciferase-
Hexokinase Coupled System. J. Theor. Biol. 158, 67-108.
2.10. I. A. Vakser &
C. AFLALO, 1994.
Hydrophobic Docking: A Proposed Enhancement to Molecular Recognition Techniques.
Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics 20, 320-329.
2.11. L. Gheber, Z. Priel,
C. AFLALO & V. Shoshan-Barmatz, 1995.
Extracellular ATP Binding Proteins as Potential Receptors in Mucociliary
Epithelium: Characterization Using [32P]3'-O-(4-Benzoyl)benzoyl
ATP, a Photoaffinity Label. Molecular Membrane Biology 147,
2.12. E. Katchalski-Katzir,
I. Shariv, M. Eisenstein, A.A. Friesem, C. AFLALO & I.A. Vakser, 1996.
The role of geometric fit between proteins molecules and their ligands
in determining biological specificity.Adv. Molec. Cell Biol. 15B,
2.13. C. AFLALO, H. Baum, D.M. Chipman, R.E. McCarty, H. Strotmann, 1997.
- Noun Shavit (1930-1997). Obituary. Photosynth. Res.54,165-167.
2.14. C. AFLALO, 1997.
Localized firefly luciferase probes ATP at the surface of mitochondria.
J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 29, 549-559.
2.15. C. AFLALO &
H. Azoulay, 1998.
Association of rat brain hexokinase to yeast mitochondria: effect of environmental
factors and the source of porin. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 30,
2.16. C. AFLALO, W. Bing,
A. Zarka & S. Boussiba, 1999.
Effect of the herbicide glufosinate (BASTA) on astaxanthin accumulation
in the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis. Z. Naturforsch.54,
2.17. H. Azoulay-Zohar
& C. AFLALO, 1999.
Binding of rat brain hexokinase to recombinant yeast mitochondria: identification
of necessary molecular determinants. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr.31,
2.18. H. Azoulay-Zohar
& C. AFLALO, 2000.
Binding of rat brain hexokinase to recombinant yeast mitochondria: identification
of necessary physico-chemical determinants. Eur. J. Biochem.267,
2.19. S. Boussiba & C. AFLALO, 2005.
An insight into the future of Microalgal Biotechnology. Innovations in Food Technology, 28,
2.20. C. AFLALO, Y. Meshulam,
A. Zarka & S. Boussiba, 2007.
On the relative efficiency of two production of astaxanthin by the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis. Biotechnol Bioengin, 98,
2.21. Y. Hoffman, C. AFLALO, A. Zarka, J. Gutman, T. Y. James & S. Boussiba, 2008.
Isolation and characterization of a novel chytrid species (phylum Blastocladiomycota), parasitic on the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis. Mycological Research, 112,
2.22. D. Sever, R. Eldor, G. Sadoun, L. Amior, D. Dubois, C. Boitard, C. AFLALO
& D. Melloul, 2011.
Evaluation of impaired -cell function in non-obese-diabetic (NOD) mouse model using bioluminescence imaging. The FASEB Journal.25,
2.23. A. Solovchenko, C. AFLALO, A. Lukyanov & S. Boussiba, 2013.
Nondestructive monitoring of carotenogenesis in Haematococcus pluvialis via whole-cell optical density spectra. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97,
2.24. K. Chekanov, A. Lukyanov, S. Boussiba, C. AFLALO & A. Solovchenko, 2016.
Modulation of photosynthetic activity and photoprotection in Haematococcus pluvialis cells during their
conversion into haematocysts and back. Photosynthesis Research, 128,
2.25. M. Morales, C. AFLALO & O. Bernard, 2021.
Microalgal lipids: a review of lipids potential and quantification for 95 phytoplankton species.
Biomass and Bioenergy Accepted for publication.
last update, May 2021 Claude Aflalo - suggestions
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