Meet the group head
Physics World has written a nice popular article about our Stern-Gerlach Interferometry, and the connection to quantum gravity
BGU now article about Ron (Hebrew)
New animated movie about our work (English) (Hebrew)
Radio interview with Ron in a Bar
TV interview with Ron (Hebrew)
ראיון עם רון בטלויזיה
Newspaper article about Ron (Hebrew)
מאמר שכתבו על רון בעיתון
Popular talk about the 2012 Nobel prizes (Hebrew)
הרצאה פופולארית של רון על פרסי הנובל של 2012
An article about Ron's Tattoo
מאמר על המספר שיש לרון על היד
A US public radio interview about Ron's Tattoo
ראיון ברדיו האמריקאי על המספר
A Physics award received in the US
פרס שקיבל רון בארה"ב
Interview about one of the science projects
ראיון על אחד הפרויקטים המדעיים
Popular articles about Ron's work (Hebrew/English)
An interview with Ron in Chinese
Ron’s ‘Are We Alive?’ In a longer article (Hebrew)
One clock in two places simultaneously: Ron’s article about the group's recent work (click here for the Jerusalem Post article)
Ron’s speech (Hebrew) to students receiving excellence awards from the Rector (2015)
An article about Ron (2015, Hebrew)
A detailed interview in English about Ron’s Tattoo
Ron inaugurates a new quantum technology lab
Aside from the AtomChip laboratory, Ron is the founder and first director of:
The BGU nano-fabrication center
The BGU center for science and technology in quantum information
Ron is now working on establishing a university center for the future of humanity. (Fixing humanity is an ancient Jewish concept called Tikun Olam)
Ron and Judaism
Although Ron identifies himself as an Atheist, he also sees himself as part of the Jewish people.
He is well rehearsed in the Jewish ancient scripts and prayers, and keeps many of the traditions.
On high holidays you will find him in the synagogue.
Every Friday evening you will find him lighting the Shabbat candles with his mother.
In the following two very short videos, you see him singing two old Jewish tunes.
The first, just the music of an ancient prayer, at a Shabbat dinner in the middle of the Sahara desert where he and his daughter Sara joined a group crossing the desert on jeeps.
In the second, an old Jewish song, the words taken from Psalms, with his family around him, he is singing:
Who is the person who wants to really live,
who cherishes life, who wants to see far.
Stop your tongue from speaking ill of others,
Stop your lips from telling lies.
Stay away from evil, and do good deeds,
Seek peace and never tire from pursuing it.
Activism(press for some examples)
Finally, some more details about Ron:
For more on Ron’s hobbies and personal life visit