Prof. David Wettstein

Mailing Address:

Department of Economics
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel


Room 431, Building 72







CV | Teaching| Conferences | Seminars





Main Publications















Graduate Courses:

  • Microeconomic Theory ( )
  • Mathematical Methods in Economics ( )

Undergraduate Courses:

  • Microeconomic Theory A and B ( - )
  • Incentives Information and Contracts ( , )

Past Courses:

  • Linear Models in Economics, Mathematical Methods in Economics, Labor Economics, Cooperative Games, Game Theory and Managerial Economics in the Undergraduate Program.
  • Advanced Topics in Microeconomic Theory, Implementation Theory and Cooperative Games in the Graduate Program.



  • D. Wettstein, 2009
    Implementation of Cooperative Solution Concepts (plenary talk)
    The fifth Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING 5), Vrije Universiteit (VU), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


  • I. Macho-Stadler, D. Pérez-Castrillo, and D. Wettstein, 2009
    Dividends and Weighted Values in Games with Externalities
    2009 Far East and South Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, Tokyo, Japan.


  • I. Macho-Stadler, D. Pérez-Castrillo, and D. Wettstein, 2009
    Dividends and Weighted Values in Games with Externalities
    The European Economic Association and the Econometric Society European Meeting (EEA-ESEM)), Barcelona Graduate
    School of Economics, Barcelona, Spain.


         P. Borm, Y. Ju and D. Wettstein, 2010
Coalitional Externalities, Strategic Bargaining and Efficient Values
2010 World Congress of the Econometric Society, Shanghai, China.


         P. Borm, Y. Ju and D. Wettstein, 2010
Coalitional Externalities, Strategic Bargaining and Efficient Values
Inaugural Conference of the Chinese Game Theory and Experimental Economics Association, Beijing, China.


  • D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2011
    22nd International Conference on Game Theory at Stony Brook, USA.


  • D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2012
    Innovation Contests
    Contests, Mechanisms & Experiments Conference, the University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.


  • D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2012
    Innovation Contests
    4th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Istanbul, Turkey.


  • T. Kaplan and D. Wettstein, 2013
    The Optimal Design of Rewards in Contests
    York Annual Symposium on Game Theory, University of York, York, UK.


  • D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2013
    Innovation Contests
    13th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics, MINES ParisTech, Paris, France.


  • D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2014
    Innovation Contests
    30th Israeli Economic Association Annual Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel.


  • H. Lampert and D. Wettstein, 2015
    Patents and Pools in Pyramidal Innovation Structures
    RES-York Annual Symposium on Game Theory, University of York, York, UK.


  • I. Macho-Stadler, D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2016
    Values for Environments with Externalities - The Average Approach
    27th International Conference on Game Theory at Stony Brook, USA.


  • T. Kaplan and D. Wettstein, 2017
    Two-Stage Contests with Preferences over Style
    Contests: Theory and Evidence 2017, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.


  • I. Macho-Stadler, D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2017
    Values for Environments with Externalities - The Average Approach, Strong Symmetry and Equal Treatment
    The 28th Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory in honor of Pradeep Dubey and Yair Tauman, USA.


  • I. Macho-Stadler, D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2017
    Values for Environments with Externalities - The Average Approach
    42 Simposio de la Asociacion Espanola de Economia, Barcelona, Spain.


  • I. Macho-Stadler, D. Pérez-Castrillo and D. Wettstein, 2018
    Values for Environments with Externalities - The Average Approach, Strong Symmetry and Equal Treatment
    5th Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory in Business Practice - Financial Networks, Leipzig, Germany.


  • T. Kaplan and D. Wettstein, 2018
    Two-Stage Contests with Preferences over Style
    29th International Conference on Game Theory at Stony Brook, USA.


  • H. Lampert and D. Wettstein, 2019
    Patents and Pools in Pyramidal Innovation Structures
    The 11th Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Lisbon, Portugal.


Seminars at Universities and Institutions


Presented seminars at:

         Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

         University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

         UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, USA

         University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

         University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

         Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

         Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

         University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

         York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

         University of Exeter, Exeter, UK

         Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel

         The Technion, Haifa, Israel

         The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

         Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellatera (Barcelona), Spain

         Complutenese University, Madrid, Spain

         The University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

         Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire, UK

         Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

         Univesity of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

         McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

         Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands

         Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

         Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA

         CORE Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

         Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

         Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain

         University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain

         York University, York, UK

         Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands

         University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland