Short Bio | Curriculum Vitae | Research | Teaching

Mailing address:
Department of Economics
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.B 653
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel

My office is in Room 439 Building 72

Telephone: 08-647-2279
e-mail: kvdbeek@bgu.ac.il



Karine van der Beek is a senior lecturer at the economics department at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and a research affiliate at the Centre of Economic Policy Research (CEPR) until 2022. She specializes in European economic history and long-run economic growth with a specific interest in the relationship between human capital, financial markets, political institutions and technological change. Karine holds a PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was a post-doc fellow at EUI and at UPF as part of the CEPR Research Training Network, ‘Unifying the European Experience’ in the years 2006-7. Her current research examines the effect of enclosures in England in 1750-1830 on financial markets and bankruptcies. In her other studies she applies econometric and ML tolls to uncover the role played by various skills and occupations in Britain’s Industrial Revolution.


Ongoing Research

“Land Reform and Access to Credit: The Response of Bankruptcies to Land Enclosures in England 1750-1830” (with Tomer Ifergane, Walker Ray, and Lior Farbman)


Abstract: Land privatization in developing economies holds the promise of better efficiency in resource allocation. Moreover, since land is a pledgeable asset that can serve as collateral to secure loans, privatization can also help overcome financial frictions, obtain access to credit, and borrow at lower rates. Less is, however, known about the potential effects of land privatization on incumbent borrowers in the presence of financial market inefficiencies. This paper offers a simple model of default with capped loan rates and (time-varying) pledgeable collateral where firms differ in their productivity and their costs to post collateral. It studies the effect land privatization in the context of the major process of land enclosure that took place in England during its industrialization, exploiting a novel dataset on private bankruptcies in the English counties between 1750 and 1830. Our results indicate the existence of a negative short run effect and show that it intensifies when privatization takes place during economic downturns, or when the privatized land is not agricultural.


Publications and Working Papers

2022. “The Wheels of Change: Technology Adoption, Millwrights, and Persistence in Britain’s Industrialization” The Economic Journal, 1–33 https://doi.org/10.1093/ej/ueab102. (With Joel Mokyr and Assaf Sarid).

Also, on VOX!

2020. Expectations: Theory and Applications from Historical Perspectives. Springer Studies in the History of Economic Thought. (Arie Arnon, Warren Young & Karine van der Beek Eds.).


2017. "Flexible Supply of apprenticeship in the British Industrial Revolution" Journal of Economic History 77(1): (With Nadav Ben-Zeev and Joel Mokyr). (pdf_draft)

2016. "Skill Choice and skill complementarity in Eighteenth century England: 1710-1770”. Explorations in Economic History 59(1): 94-113. (With Naomi Feldman). (pdf_draft)

short assay at the Israel Science Foundation website (in Hebrew)

2015. "Market Forces Shaping Human Capital in Eighteenth Century London", Economic History Review 68(4): 1177–1202. (With Moshe Justman). (pdf draft)

2014. "England's eighteenth century demand for high-quality workmanship: Evidence from apprenticeship, 1710-1770", in Avner Greif, Lynne Kiesling and John V.C. Nye (eds.),  Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development, a festschrift volume in the honor of Prof. Joel Mokyr, Princeton University Press, pp. 268-274. Robert Margo's Review at EH.Net

2010. "The Effect of Political Fragmentation on Investments: A Case Study of Watermill Construction in Medieval Ponthieu, France”. Explorations in Economic History 47: 369-380.

2010. "Political fragmentation and investment decisions: the milling industry in feudal France (1150-1250)". Economic History Review 63(3): 664-687.


Other Publications

2023. "Economic Aspects of Urban Greenness Along a Dryland Rainfall Gradient: a Time-Series Analysis". Urban Forestry & Urban Greening Available online 24 March 2023, 127915. (with: Roni Bluestein-Livnon, Tal Svoray, and, Michael Dorman.

Work in Progress

"The human capital behind engine adoption: the determinants of engine location in eighteenth century England"


“The Spatial distribution of skills in eighteenth century England: new estimates using evidence on apprenticeship”.


"Was steam engine technology skill-biased? The short-run effects of steam engine development on demand for skills in eighteenth century England"



Courses taught

Introductory Econometrics  (142.1.1081)

Topics in Economic History (142.1.1091)

Real life economics - workshop (142.1.0180)

Institutional Economics for Graduates (142.2.18)

Explaining the British Industrial Revolution 142.2.93)