The Philosophy of the Museum

      It was Niels Bohr who said in 1926 that light is not just a wave, nor just a particle; it has a dual nature both, a wave and a particle. A similar duality exists between Art & Science, a premise that underlines this museum, in that: (a) Art is used as a means to illustrate science, and (b) Science is instrumental in creating art. Such a combination between Art & Science in a museum is unique, making it the first of its kind.
      The museum, founded in 1998, aims at educating the future generation in Science through Art, and vice-versa.

The Museum Interior

      The museum is located in the central lobby of the four-story Kreitman-Zlotowski Building which reminds the famous Guggenheim Museum in New York. The building is usually crowded with students, faculty, school children, as well as the general public, who are thus continuously exposed to famous art paintings. The exhibition has been expanded to the Larry Goodman Family Administration Building for Engineering Sciences. The museum displays holograms and approximately 200 works of famous artists to demonstrate the duality between Art & Science.

Vertical View of a Segment

      Among the scientific concepts illustrated in the museum are, for example, Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity and the absence of gravity, entropy, alternative medicine, infinity, the big bang, motion and fluid flow, the concept of time and periodicity as well as perspective. For each category, paintings were selected to depict a specific scientific principle, some by deliberate design of the artist, others without any such intent.
      The scientific principles and sciences that served as a basis for the creation of art include, for example, chaos, space sciences, fluid flow, holography, holusion, rheology, zoology and botany, the psychology of vision cognition by the brain demonstrated by visual illusions, virtual motion as well as impossible and contradictory situations.

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Art and Science Museum