
Museum of Art & Science


Exhibition of Art & Science

      The "two cultures" - Art & Science - usually looked upon as two different entities, are practically one entity. Even historically, art did not exist as an independent genre as it does today. Great masters were well-ground in both science and art, as represented by Leonardo da Vinci.
      The following site demonstrates how Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel implemented a successful way for integrating the "two cultures" by establishing a Museum of Art & Science, the first of its kind. The Museum was founded in order to educate the future generation towards Science via Art and vice versa.
      In order to implement the above ideas for the benefit of the society and the future generation, it is suggested to found a Museum of Art & Science or an Exhibition of Art & Science. Professor Abraham Tamir, the founder of the museum at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, will be happy to assist you as much as possible in establishing either a museum or an exhibition of Art & Science which will be based on the museum he has already established.
      For additional information don't hesitate to contact Abraham Tamir (Fax:+972-7-6472916,

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Art and Science Museum