Name |
Affiliation |
Email |
Jonathan Belmaker |
Department of Life Sciences, BGU |
belmakej@bgumail.bgu.ac.il |
Uri Grodzinski |
Department of Zoology, TAU |
urig@post.tau.ac.il |
Dagan |
Department of Zoology, TAU |
tali@kimura.tau.ac.il |
Or Spiegel |
Dept. of Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, The
Institute of Life Sciences, HU |
ors@pob.huji.ac.il |
Clive Lipchin |
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, D.N.
Hevel Eilot 88840 |
clive@arava.org |
Michal Gruntman |
Mitrani Dept of Desert Ecology, BGU. |
gruntman@bgumail.bgu.ac.il |
Danny Cohen |
Dept. of Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, The
Institute of Life Sciences, HU |
dancohen@vms.huji.ac.il |
Daphna Gottlieb |
Mitrani Dept of Desert Ecology, BGU. |
gdaphna@bgu.ac.il |
Orit Nir |
Dept. of Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, The
Institute of Life Sciences, HU |
niro01@pob.huji.ac.il |
Nurit Ilan |
Dept. of Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, The
Institute of Life Sciences, HU |
nuritilan@yahoo.com |
Amit Huppert |
Department of Zoology, TAU |
ahuppert@whoi.edu |
Reuvat Nitzan |
Department of Zoology, TAU |
reuvat@post.tau.ac.il |
Gal Yaakobi |
Department of Life Sciences, BGU |
yaacobig@bgumail.bgu.ac.il |
Assaf Shwartz |
Dept. of Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, The
Institute of Life Sciences, HU |
shwara@pob.huji.ac.il |
Yael Artzi-Randrup |
Department of Zoology, TAU |
yael.artzy@gmail.com |
Barak Guzner |
Mitrani Dept of Desert Ecology, BGU. |
Guzner@bgu.ac.il |
Michal Segoli |
Mitrani Dept of Desert Ecology, BGU. |
msegoli@bgumail.bgu.ac.il |
Yotam Orchan |
Dept. of Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, The
Institute of Life Sciences, HU |
yotam@pob.huji.ac.il |
Ido Tsurim |
Department of Life Sciences, BGU |
tsurim@bgumail.bgu.ac.il |
Yael Lubin |
Mitrani Dept of Desert Ecology, BGU. |
lubin@bgu.ac.il |
Yafei Wang |
Mitrani Dept of Desert Ecology, BGU. |
Wangy@bgu.ac.il |
Hadas Hawlena |
Department of Life Sciences, BGU |
hadashaw@bgumail.bgu.ac.il |
Ariel Novoplansky |
Mitrani Dept of Desert Ecology, BGU. |
anovopla@bgu.ac.il |
Alex Kondrashov |
National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH |
kondrashov@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |